I think it is a little bit deeper of a dig at buying in and identifying with the in group instead of the human experience. But this does deserve a deeper dive into how they might have sold themselves out
I was thinking that this might be why they want the unvaxxed to take the original jabs first even though they're outdated. Maybe the originals have the building blocks for the graphene technology.
Yes, I also came to the conclusion that if true it must have been either in the 1st or 2nd original mRNA-jab, and not in the boosters. Otherwise you would have several MAC addresses in your body.
 I know that the poll is just a rhetorical question, but the technology to hack the human soul has existed since the garden of Eden. If an AI can be corrupted by Satan, then it can certainly hack the human soul just by lying, like the devil always has.
When I experimented with this about a year ago in France, it was when people were having their booster shots, maybe that explains the strength of the signals. I would walk around a supermarket and get dozens of these MAC addresses, the order of which would change as I moved around.
These sequences of 12 numbers/letters are distinctly regognisable and are not what you usually see with device identifiers, which typically include the brand name and are of various lengths.
Then I nervously tried it next to my dad who is tripled-jabbed, 2x Astra and 1x Pfizer, and much to my relief nothing happened.
I recall Dr. Delgado saying that the activation mechanism could theoretically fail according to lots of biological/physiological factors. I think that the fact that Thais eat lots of anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory foods explains at least partly why they seem less affected than Westerners.
Regarding the soul being hacked, I answered 'yes' to the poll because the Covid jabs affect the frontal lobe, which is the zone where empathy is. According to Dr. Peter Breggin, there are disturbing parallels to the effects of lobotomy, which is why we are noticing personality changes and passivity in jabbed people.
Anyway I am going to a supermarket in a touristic area this evening, I will do the Bluetooth test again.
Hi Aoratos, please share your experience as I am living in a non-touristy area and to find people that took the original Pfizer jabs is not evident here. Would the MAC address also be in Booster shots? I doubt it as that would result in people have several of such addresses in their body.
I tested it again this evening at it is still happening. I will post a couple of screenshots of my phone a bit later in the Gab group.
I have no idea if there is a difference between initial shots and booster shots per se, but as people tend to "shed" the Spike protein and God knows what other s**t for a few days after being jabbed, I thought the strength of the signals might also be higher during that period. And of course the poisoning tends to increase with every shot taken. This is all speculation of course.
Regarding whether there could be several MAC addresses in one individual, as the Moderna/BionTech patents show there are software components in this technology, one can assume the system recognises if the activation has already taken place, and not replicate it. God knows, anything is possible at this point!
I am a bit curious what the MAC addresses were. I had some that were shorter strings at CVS and as I said one that specifically said Samsung TV and another that claimed to be a printer. There were a few that were like 5 characters long like NrFSX with no other identifying features. But these 509 and 50J 12 character ones moved around a bit: there were four at the pharmacy area of CVS but only two while waiting at the front counter 100 feet away. Smith's grocery had them too but it was more crowded so they were moving around a lot: maybe 2-4 at different spots in the store. I have no idea what they were....
You have to have bluetooth on to see these and my understanding is in newer devices you won't be able to see these 12-digit ids. From my experience so far, it does appear I see more of these 12-digit ids when there are "visitors" to my home and/or the close by neighbors.
I found out about that in a video in which Reiner Fullmich interviews psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, who knows a lot about lobotomies as he contributed to them being banned in the US.
It's a very interesting interview, here is the link. I will also post it in the Gab group.
First, if there is a device emitting radio frequency, it has to consume electricity. If it has a small battery (pretty darn small) then the signal will fade out as the battery runs out. Unless the battery can recharge, somehow, using heat from the body (a difficult proposition, according to published science, maybe not so difficult to occult science)
Second, the soul is a disputed term. For some, it does not exist. In that case, it cannot be hacked. For others it is individual and for others there is only one soul and we all are part of it.
How does an electronic piece of equipment get access to the soul? No idea. There is the analogy of the brain acting as an walkie talkie (a two-way radio) with the soul. In that case, anything that affects cognition (caffeine, music, love, grief, memorizing something, forgetting something) must affect the soul. So to "hack" (misuse, or abuse a system in a way it is not intended to be used) the soul by technology has already been achieved, because any time you listen to music you are altering your brain state, which is altering your soul.
But this hyperbolic word of "hacking" the soul seems to be propaganda for gaining a never before seen use of the soul. A think this is all hype. There is really no need to use any kind of physical device to affect, for good or bad, the soul of any given individual.
As you read this your soul is already been hacked by my discourse, but in a good way. As I gain access to your system, if I find a loose screw I promise I will tighten it for your benefit, Amy. I'm that cool! H4ck3rz RuLz!
That is a great answer and tends to be where I go with it too! A deeper question is could some of these dipshits with more money than God, the ones that think humans are hackable animals like Yuval Harrari, could they think and maybe fund mad science experiments to try to hack the soul, say/ Or prove it does not exist or try to remote control human thoughts or whatever? I think yes, with disastrous health results...the compromise of the integrity of the soul, if it exists at all, has all occured in psychology and metaphysics as always
If I was a wise bandit of 2500 years ago, I would go to a village, learn were they hide their treasures, gold, gems, etc. and then convince the people, through as many tricks as possible, that the village was cursed and they had to leave it fast, or that an asteroid was going to impact the place, or an earthquake was coming or whatever. Then, as people flee, I am left alone to plunder everything an run in the other direction.
I think this is what AI and "soul hacking" is all about, and I think the West is that village, and the treasures are not physical gold and diamonds or whatever. The treasure is enslaving the thoughts of as many humans as possible, the most valuable resource, to establish a new Empire to wage a long war against the rest of the world. What these bastards desire the most is the thrill of large battles, destruction and chaos everywhere, people making missiles and vehicles and weapons and uniforms and helmets and boots, instead of producing useful things: food, art, good science, beauty, happiness.
They are the enemies of the Good, the Just and the Beautiful. Thats why wars must be restarted and expanded as much as possible, in extension and duration. The great word "philanthropath" sums all up very nicely.
I am curious to try out the Bluetooth test, yet unnerved at what I might find. Deeper into the twilight zone we go!
I'd like to add to my selection in your poll - 'Something else' - that could be persuading people to upload their consciousness to the cloud at the point of death (maybe encouraging early death through suicide / euthanasia as we are seeing especially in Canada).
Then at the point that someone *chooses* to upload their consciousness, to be digitally immortalised, I hypothesise that would interfere with the soul's natural ability to transcend to the next plane of existence.
Or, can the soul and consciousness be separated? Could the consciousness simply be cloned / replicated in the cloud, whilst the original consciousness 1.0 + intact soul transcend naturally, leaving behind the replica consciousness to eternally exist in a torturous state of no escape.
It gives me a headache to think of extreme polar opposites on all these dystopian spectrums.
You will remember reading and commenting on this, but your readers might enjoy it, if not for the YouTube link to the clip of the teenage girl 'coming out' as trans(human) to her parents, and wanting to live in the 'cloud'...
HI Amy, IGOR CHUDOV posted an article on his Substack about the dangers of AI - when used by the WEF self-acclaimed 'Overlords' to influence and shape our thoughts - at almost same time as when you posted yours. Synchronicity at work here...
As usual - like anything published by Igor - it's well worth a read.
I'm not in agreement with the premise that Ai is all powerful and all knowing. The example they gave of a coworker crushing on the new guy at her work would probably be noticed quickly by any perceptive manager at the company, and if she was in some sensitive position she might get a verbal warning with no AI needed at all. This probably wouldn't help much as nothing is more sexy than forbidden fruit. Now facebook and Amazon and google can listen to the woman's conversations and record videos of her that night having sex with her new coworker, at which point she can be fired, so they do have an ability to spy on actual behavior...
Seriously if they wanted to test their mind reading apparatus, why don't they just show it off hooked up where somebody thinks of a number and the AI correctly guesses it?
I didn't like the co-worker example, but the idea of remote recognition of controversial brain patterns when being on-line to trigger stuff that would divert you based on your stored internet preferences doesn't seem implausible. Such a development would surely excite the WEF crowd and I am pretty sure they are already working on it as it would give them total control over the serfs by blocking from an early age any critical thinking skills on subjects not of their liking.
In a digital prison dystopia with constant camera monitoring a lot could be determined. Whether that is because the AI is better at reading thoughts than any regular human who had access to such 24/7 surveillance remains to be determined. Way back when I was in graduate school psychology I was in a neuroscience class where the professor was fascinated by details of dream patterns during REM sleep. They could determine a lot, like whether the dream was anxiety provoking or happy and yes even erotic but they were never able to determine the exact contents. Am I fearful because I failed a big exam in the dream or because I was buried alive? What has become more concerning to me is the number of cameras everywhere, to the point where I think my older daughter using black tape on all of her laptop and mobile phone cameras is probably a healthy choice by her...
The whole "you will be chipped" story was not a hoax, but deliberately placed information control narrative in order to discount any discussions in that direction outside of most hardened skeptical circles.
What appears to have happened (and if you remember low temperature storage stories) nano-scale electrical circuits (chips) have been inserted into millions of humans to transmit biometric data out of their bodies, fueled with nothing more than regular energy release processes in the body, most likely regular carb cycle.
The whole rollout of vaccines also coincided with 5g rollout, as previous infrastructure was unable to absorb resulting (enormous) data flows, as millions of people went about their daily business.
What is it for - getting huge amounts of biometric data may enable some entity, or entities to create better models of human body, functions, interactions with MRNA in the shots.. Finding the way how to extend human lifespan may have been a major part in terms of interest for such a gigantic operation.
Either way, they way this was executed was truly impressive - anyone with a phone could have tested it for themselves as I did on multiple subjects, and yet nobody did in public.
If anything this proves we live in hyperreality, and like a magic trick we can be taken so easily for a ride as a society. This was the most impressive feat yet. "Water vapor" trails in the skies are another very interesting aspect of this hyperreality, but there are more people talking about them after all. This particular topic - total silence - and virtually everyone had a device they could have tested it with. Simply impressive, Truman show.
It is mind blowing that there was a simple scientific way to test this much like the magnets on the skin at the injection site phenomena, yet everyone discarded it as conspiracy anyways. It got to the point that many injected openly joked about being chipped, hearing signals from Bill Gates and the transistors and the like. Some of these people died suddenly later . There probably were scientists with good intentions trying to determine ways to turn people into transhumans or whatnot but I am not hopeful that this AI technology is going to save the world. For me it has reached its limits and we are left with old fashioned good and evil questions
Hi Amy, I agree that AI technology will surely not 'save the world'.
But I am pretty sure that it hasn't already reached its limits. UNBEKOMING wrote a very interesting article on his Substack in which he shared his experience with the AI software he has on his computer.
He typed "summarize Gaia theory for me in 1,000 words" and he did that three times to see what the difference would be each time. The answers which he got in seconds are absolutely amazing in depth and relevance.
UNBEKOMING correctly wrote that for those that have studied Gaia over the years, the answers he got might be too basic, but for everyone else it feels like a great start.
Then he asked things like explain Gaia theory to me like I was a 6-year old, which are the most important people that agree with James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis and write a poem about Gates and Fauci getting married and adopting three girls. And his AI program on his PC managed to do all of that, to near perfection and within seconds.
His conclusion: This “entity” will be the source of untold good in the world that we cannot even imagine, while being the source of untold evil in the world that we cannot even imagine.
I'll check the substack out. I have tried AI autowriters which are not bad, though very slow to load in Thailand with the slow internet and a little glitchy. I'm not dealing with the bst technology though and still wouldn't ever want to tell my kids about it when they're supposed to be learning how to write and essay about something, say....
Just read that the University of Antwerpen (my Belgian hometown) has started an investigation whether a student did write and submit a paper using AI - e.g. the ChatGPT software. The exam commissions suspicions were raised due to the very limited sources mentioned in the paper. It's coming closer every day...
If the spinning type siezure deaths are any measure, it sure seems like souls are being tormented as they exit this 'matrix'; only humankind this perverted would try to not only fuck up life, but afterlife. They started the 'hacked' narrative, and they want to be able to track and trace our physical bodies. Even a dead body gives the signal after burial. So, with the push for more cremations, I would guess the graphene reduces back to unhydrated and is contained within the ashes, which we then dutifully spread here and there according to the wishes of the dead...and the cycle of graphene poison continues. I also do wonder about the regulation of so many cremation stacks throughout each city wrt the graphene being essentially pumped out in neighborhoods and hospitals across the world; they must be doing such a booming business these days. I do declare, the gov's hate for us is deep.
Remember how much worry there was about brain cancer and cellphones back in the 1990s? (3G-4G only?) And then, it was simply removed from debate, though the signals are now many times bigger, as each 'G' is HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TIMES stronger than the one before it. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5c/08/61/5c086114bb68812b4a3555edcefb9bd0.jpg chart
"or turn some of the jabbed into the equivalent of remote controlled zombies"
Yeah, but the covidians I encounter sure sound exactly the same...
I think it is a little bit deeper of a dig at buying in and identifying with the in group instead of the human experience. But this does deserve a deeper dive into how they might have sold themselves out
I was thinking that this might be why they want the unvaxxed to take the original jabs first even though they're outdated. Maybe the originals have the building blocks for the graphene technology.
Yes, I also came to the conclusion that if true it must have been either in the 1st or 2nd original mRNA-jab, and not in the boosters. Otherwise you would have several MAC addresses in your body.
Dr. Ryan Cole is making this face while reading this post: 😡
Probably! I think everything should be open for speculation!
Well, yeah, esp. when you have others in the field saying, "Look at this!"
 I know that the poll is just a rhetorical question, but the technology to hack the human soul has existed since the garden of Eden. If an AI can be corrupted by Satan, then it can certainly hack the human soul just by lying, like the devil always has.
It's a new spin on an idea as old as human history itself. That's a very thoughtful comment!
Interesting. Patterns. All interesting. It's all just so complicated. Hard to know what to think.
If the soul includes one's personality - then of course it can be hacked! Isn't that what brainwashing is all about?
Yes. Yes. The soul can be hacked.
That is why we are told to guard our hearts: Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Prov 4:23.
When I experimented with this about a year ago in France, it was when people were having their booster shots, maybe that explains the strength of the signals. I would walk around a supermarket and get dozens of these MAC addresses, the order of which would change as I moved around.
These sequences of 12 numbers/letters are distinctly regognisable and are not what you usually see with device identifiers, which typically include the brand name and are of various lengths.
Then I nervously tried it next to my dad who is tripled-jabbed, 2x Astra and 1x Pfizer, and much to my relief nothing happened.
I recall Dr. Delgado saying that the activation mechanism could theoretically fail according to lots of biological/physiological factors. I think that the fact that Thais eat lots of anti-parasitic and anti-inflammatory foods explains at least partly why they seem less affected than Westerners.
Regarding the soul being hacked, I answered 'yes' to the poll because the Covid jabs affect the frontal lobe, which is the zone where empathy is. According to Dr. Peter Breggin, there are disturbing parallels to the effects of lobotomy, which is why we are noticing personality changes and passivity in jabbed people.
Anyway I am going to a supermarket in a touristic area this evening, I will do the Bluetooth test again.
Hi Aoratos, please share your experience as I am living in a non-touristy area and to find people that took the original Pfizer jabs is not evident here. Would the MAC address also be in Booster shots? I doubt it as that would result in people have several of such addresses in their body.
I tested it again this evening at it is still happening. I will post a couple of screenshots of my phone a bit later in the Gab group.
I have no idea if there is a difference between initial shots and booster shots per se, but as people tend to "shed" the Spike protein and God knows what other s**t for a few days after being jabbed, I thought the strength of the signals might also be higher during that period. And of course the poisoning tends to increase with every shot taken. This is all speculation of course.
Regarding whether there could be several MAC addresses in one individual, as the Moderna/BionTech patents show there are software components in this technology, one can assume the system recognises if the activation has already taken place, and not replicate it. God knows, anything is possible at this point!
I am a bit curious what the MAC addresses were. I had some that were shorter strings at CVS and as I said one that specifically said Samsung TV and another that claimed to be a printer. There were a few that were like 5 characters long like NrFSX with no other identifying features. But these 509 and 50J 12 character ones moved around a bit: there were four at the pharmacy area of CVS but only two while waiting at the front counter 100 feet away. Smith's grocery had them too but it was more crowded so they were moving around a lot: maybe 2-4 at different spots in the store. I have no idea what they were....
Unless I am mistaken, the 12-digit XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX ones are jabbed people, so if you see those you know that's it.
You have to have bluetooth on to see these and my understanding is in newer devices you won't be able to see these 12-digit ids. From my experience so far, it does appear I see more of these 12-digit ids when there are "visitors" to my home and/or the close by neighbors.
I found out about that in a video in which Reiner Fullmich interviews psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin, who knows a lot about lobotomies as he contributed to them being banned in the US.
It's a very interesting interview, here is the link. I will also post it in the Gab group.
For those interested @ 1:21 hr:mins
First, if there is a device emitting radio frequency, it has to consume electricity. If it has a small battery (pretty darn small) then the signal will fade out as the battery runs out. Unless the battery can recharge, somehow, using heat from the body (a difficult proposition, according to published science, maybe not so difficult to occult science)
Second, the soul is a disputed term. For some, it does not exist. In that case, it cannot be hacked. For others it is individual and for others there is only one soul and we all are part of it.
How does an electronic piece of equipment get access to the soul? No idea. There is the analogy of the brain acting as an walkie talkie (a two-way radio) with the soul. In that case, anything that affects cognition (caffeine, music, love, grief, memorizing something, forgetting something) must affect the soul. So to "hack" (misuse, or abuse a system in a way it is not intended to be used) the soul by technology has already been achieved, because any time you listen to music you are altering your brain state, which is altering your soul.
But this hyperbolic word of "hacking" the soul seems to be propaganda for gaining a never before seen use of the soul. A think this is all hype. There is really no need to use any kind of physical device to affect, for good or bad, the soul of any given individual.
As you read this your soul is already been hacked by my discourse, but in a good way. As I gain access to your system, if I find a loose screw I promise I will tighten it for your benefit, Amy. I'm that cool! H4ck3rz RuLz!
That is a great answer and tends to be where I go with it too! A deeper question is could some of these dipshits with more money than God, the ones that think humans are hackable animals like Yuval Harrari, could they think and maybe fund mad science experiments to try to hack the soul, say/ Or prove it does not exist or try to remote control human thoughts or whatever? I think yes, with disastrous health results...the compromise of the integrity of the soul, if it exists at all, has all occured in psychology and metaphysics as always
If I was a wise bandit of 2500 years ago, I would go to a village, learn were they hide their treasures, gold, gems, etc. and then convince the people, through as many tricks as possible, that the village was cursed and they had to leave it fast, or that an asteroid was going to impact the place, or an earthquake was coming or whatever. Then, as people flee, I am left alone to plunder everything an run in the other direction.
I think this is what AI and "soul hacking" is all about, and I think the West is that village, and the treasures are not physical gold and diamonds or whatever. The treasure is enslaving the thoughts of as many humans as possible, the most valuable resource, to establish a new Empire to wage a long war against the rest of the world. What these bastards desire the most is the thrill of large battles, destruction and chaos everywhere, people making missiles and vehicles and weapons and uniforms and helmets and boots, instead of producing useful things: food, art, good science, beauty, happiness.
They are the enemies of the Good, the Just and the Beautiful. Thats why wars must be restarted and expanded as much as possible, in extension and duration. The great word "philanthropath" sums all up very nicely.
I couldn't agree more! They want to enslave you with the story that you are a slave. That's what they have....
I am curious to try out the Bluetooth test, yet unnerved at what I might find. Deeper into the twilight zone we go!
I'd like to add to my selection in your poll - 'Something else' - that could be persuading people to upload their consciousness to the cloud at the point of death (maybe encouraging early death through suicide / euthanasia as we are seeing especially in Canada).
Then at the point that someone *chooses* to upload their consciousness, to be digitally immortalised, I hypothesise that would interfere with the soul's natural ability to transcend to the next plane of existence.
Or, can the soul and consciousness be separated? Could the consciousness simply be cloned / replicated in the cloud, whilst the original consciousness 1.0 + intact soul transcend naturally, leaving behind the replica consciousness to eternally exist in a torturous state of no escape.
It gives me a headache to think of extreme polar opposites on all these dystopian spectrums.
You will remember reading and commenting on this, but your readers might enjoy it, if not for the YouTube link to the clip of the teenage girl 'coming out' as trans(human) to her parents, and wanting to live in the 'cloud'...
Some good links in this piece too on the AI drive supplanting parental roles and other crazy stuff:
This video from 15 years ago is most interesting:
I have referenced this post in my latest article here:
It’s an experiment on the highest order
HI Amy, IGOR CHUDOV posted an article on his Substack about the dangers of AI - when used by the WEF self-acclaimed 'Overlords' to influence and shape our thoughts - at almost same time as when you posted yours. Synchronicity at work here...
As usual - like anything published by Igor - it's well worth a read.
Here is the link > https://igorchudov.substack.com/p/are-you-ready-for-brain-transparency?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=441185&post_id=99215469&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email
Thanks! I shall read it...
I'm not in agreement with the premise that Ai is all powerful and all knowing. The example they gave of a coworker crushing on the new guy at her work would probably be noticed quickly by any perceptive manager at the company, and if she was in some sensitive position she might get a verbal warning with no AI needed at all. This probably wouldn't help much as nothing is more sexy than forbidden fruit. Now facebook and Amazon and google can listen to the woman's conversations and record videos of her that night having sex with her new coworker, at which point she can be fired, so they do have an ability to spy on actual behavior...
Seriously if they wanted to test their mind reading apparatus, why don't they just show it off hooked up where somebody thinks of a number and the AI correctly guesses it?
I didn't like the co-worker example, but the idea of remote recognition of controversial brain patterns when being on-line to trigger stuff that would divert you based on your stored internet preferences doesn't seem implausible. Such a development would surely excite the WEF crowd and I am pretty sure they are already working on it as it would give them total control over the serfs by blocking from an early age any critical thinking skills on subjects not of their liking.
In a digital prison dystopia with constant camera monitoring a lot could be determined. Whether that is because the AI is better at reading thoughts than any regular human who had access to such 24/7 surveillance remains to be determined. Way back when I was in graduate school psychology I was in a neuroscience class where the professor was fascinated by details of dream patterns during REM sleep. They could determine a lot, like whether the dream was anxiety provoking or happy and yes even erotic but they were never able to determine the exact contents. Am I fearful because I failed a big exam in the dream or because I was buried alive? What has become more concerning to me is the number of cameras everywhere, to the point where I think my older daughter using black tape on all of her laptop and mobile phone cameras is probably a healthy choice by her...
The whole "you will be chipped" story was not a hoax, but deliberately placed information control narrative in order to discount any discussions in that direction outside of most hardened skeptical circles.
What appears to have happened (and if you remember low temperature storage stories) nano-scale electrical circuits (chips) have been inserted into millions of humans to transmit biometric data out of their bodies, fueled with nothing more than regular energy release processes in the body, most likely regular carb cycle.
The whole rollout of vaccines also coincided with 5g rollout, as previous infrastructure was unable to absorb resulting (enormous) data flows, as millions of people went about their daily business.
What is it for - getting huge amounts of biometric data may enable some entity, or entities to create better models of human body, functions, interactions with MRNA in the shots.. Finding the way how to extend human lifespan may have been a major part in terms of interest for such a gigantic operation.
Either way, they way this was executed was truly impressive - anyone with a phone could have tested it for themselves as I did on multiple subjects, and yet nobody did in public.
If anything this proves we live in hyperreality, and like a magic trick we can be taken so easily for a ride as a society. This was the most impressive feat yet. "Water vapor" trails in the skies are another very interesting aspect of this hyperreality, but there are more people talking about them after all. This particular topic - total silence - and virtually everyone had a device they could have tested it with. Simply impressive, Truman show.
It is mind blowing that there was a simple scientific way to test this much like the magnets on the skin at the injection site phenomena, yet everyone discarded it as conspiracy anyways. It got to the point that many injected openly joked about being chipped, hearing signals from Bill Gates and the transistors and the like. Some of these people died suddenly later . There probably were scientists with good intentions trying to determine ways to turn people into transhumans or whatnot but I am not hopeful that this AI technology is going to save the world. For me it has reached its limits and we are left with old fashioned good and evil questions
Hi Amy, I agree that AI technology will surely not 'save the world'.
But I am pretty sure that it hasn't already reached its limits. UNBEKOMING wrote a very interesting article on his Substack in which he shared his experience with the AI software he has on his computer.
He typed "summarize Gaia theory for me in 1,000 words" and he did that three times to see what the difference would be each time. The answers which he got in seconds are absolutely amazing in depth and relevance.
UNBEKOMING correctly wrote that for those that have studied Gaia over the years, the answers he got might be too basic, but for everyone else it feels like a great start.
Then he asked things like explain Gaia theory to me like I was a 6-year old, which are the most important people that agree with James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis and write a poem about Gates and Fauci getting married and adopting three girls. And his AI program on his PC managed to do all of that, to near perfection and within seconds.
His conclusion: This “entity” will be the source of untold good in the world that we cannot even imagine, while being the source of untold evil in the world that we cannot even imagine.
Here the link to the article > https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/gaia-theory
TIP - His Substack is a sheer treasury and absolutely worth checking out, I love his always thoughtful deep-dives in the subjects he covers.
I'll check the substack out. I have tried AI autowriters which are not bad, though very slow to load in Thailand with the slow internet and a little glitchy. I'm not dealing with the bst technology though and still wouldn't ever want to tell my kids about it when they're supposed to be learning how to write and essay about something, say....
Just read that the University of Antwerpen (my Belgian hometown) has started an investigation whether a student did write and submit a paper using AI - e.g. the ChatGPT software. The exam commissions suspicions were raised due to the very limited sources mentioned in the paper. It's coming closer every day...
If the spinning type siezure deaths are any measure, it sure seems like souls are being tormented as they exit this 'matrix'; only humankind this perverted would try to not only fuck up life, but afterlife. They started the 'hacked' narrative, and they want to be able to track and trace our physical bodies. Even a dead body gives the signal after burial. So, with the push for more cremations, I would guess the graphene reduces back to unhydrated and is contained within the ashes, which we then dutifully spread here and there according to the wishes of the dead...and the cycle of graphene poison continues. I also do wonder about the regulation of so many cremation stacks throughout each city wrt the graphene being essentially pumped out in neighborhoods and hospitals across the world; they must be doing such a booming business these days. I do declare, the gov's hate for us is deep.
Remember how much worry there was about brain cancer and cellphones back in the 1990s? (3G-4G only?) And then, it was simply removed from debate, though the signals are now many times bigger, as each 'G' is HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF TIMES stronger than the one before it. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5c/08/61/5c086114bb68812b4a3555edcefb9bd0.jpg chart
I am still finding loads whenever in busy areas.
Heres a couple of vids of screen recordings from my phone recently.