I never have cancer screening. Most of the time, finding something early doesn't help extend life. It just means living with the stress of being a cancer patient when you could have carried on as normal for longer.

A couple of years ago I found something suspicious. I was genuinely more terrified of the prospect of undergoing official treatment than I was of dying of cancer. It turned out to be benign, thankfully.

It's hard though. When you have kids there is a huge pressure to submit to the officially sanctioned treatment.

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I've seen whole families break up over not submitting to sanctioned treatment. In one case the mother (older and all adult children) said she was tired of all of the officiaal stuff and just wanted to rest. She died peacefully many months later. One of her sons had agreed with her choice while the other children didn't/thought she should fight harder or whatever and it turned into a show. If I had any concerning growths I suppose that is in it's own category...

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In general humans are ugly animals, but nothing like 'inheritance' to bring out the real ugly in a family, where members that formally hadn't spoken with each other for decades show up when 'granny' is near her death bed and start fighting about her inheritance and who is appointed 'guardian' of the estate;

When I was a kid, 1/2 the people on Granny's street died from cancer, 100% of the men blew their brains out with a pistol upon being formally declared death within months, the attitude of all was "He did a good thing, live a few more months in pain for what?" My granny died from cancer, as her wish she died at home, was riding her horse up to a week before she became bed-bound, and as her wish if she ever became bed-bound that she would die, and she was dead within two weeks of bed-bound;

Sisters that I hadn't given her the time of day forever suddenly showed up to get their 'cut' by little sister was appointed 'executor' and went into granny's house and scrubbed it clean of any valuables, ripped every book in the house to shreds looking for 'hidden cash', granny had a huge librarly, little sister didn't even read;

(funny this is a habit of insane women?? My grannys books included signed first editions of Frost, Emerson, Hemingway, Twain, you name it she had it in her private collection, worth $100's of 1,000's of USD, stupid little cunt sister was looking for $100 USD bills, and didn't realize it was the books she destroyed that were worth 1000X of what she was looking for; My ex-wife did something of the same, I had collected wines for +30 years, that were worth 10's of 1,000's of USD one night she had a 'party' and drank all the wine, even while I had told her the value of the wine she ignored, later she needed money and reminded her that she had pissed +$50K USD down the toilet and obviously didnt need money; My older sister did much of the same, married a multi-milloniare, and when her hubby died her son got $3M USD cash, he went to RIO, and came back 3 years later with zero money, and hepatitis and black wife that stayed with them all but 1 month on entry, the sister got $10's of millions, today she lives like a homeless person; For decades when young and beautiful her attitude is/was "I'll just marry another rich man", well that didn't play well post +70 years of age; She never quit spending like a drunken sailor until it was all gone; Once she became an old prune, she had no ability to attract a man of any kind; )


My wifes father died a few years ago from 'stomach cancer', for 2 years they kept him alive terrible treatments agonizing pain, always begging to go to the hospital to get morphine shots; He said when first diagnosed "Let me Die", to which the family said, no we shall seek treatment; My granny died at about 74 from cancer, my wifes father was 76, at some point what is the point of 'chemo' on people where 90% of that family tree has always died at that age?


IMHO keep a weapon hidden, and when your near the bed-bound, and long before the terrible pain ( especially stomach cancer ), just fucking blow your brains out, some place far from the house so as not to make a mess.

Most country's don't allow guns, so many people resort to just walking out into traffic before a big truck that cannot stop.


When my foster-mother died about 89 of stomach-cancer, her doctors said all of her stomach lining had been eaten and there was no tissue left, that it was from drinking coca-cola, to which she had, as she never drank 'booze' so her husband had beer, she had 'coke'; Her case is interesting because her daughter had married into a 'billionaire' family so no expense was denied she got the best hospital & staff on earth, POTUS quality service, but she still died in terrible pain;

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I was the trustee for my 93yo uncle. I was the right person for the task and I learned a lot about how people behave in these circumstances. That was painful to read about destroying those old books.

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Granny had given me a 1/2 dozen of her most prized, the complete works of Oscar Wilde, all first edition signed; I still have them; Then I remembered her special library room; I was about 20 years of age;

She had Milton, Spinoza, Nietzche, Emerson, Thoreau ...she had everything in mint collectors edition.

My 'little sister' had lived with granny a short time 10-13, and during that time she had always told my little-sister that her wealth was in her books; Dumb little slut sister, thought there was jew-bucks hidden in those books;

At the time of the death when the sister cleared out the house she was working for a pawn-shop in a mall that sold fake 'rolex' watches ( Sister was not a drug addict, actually a bible-thumping Christian Cult member; Jehovah's Witnesses is a nontrinitarian millenarian restorationist Christian denomination by virtue of her husband, nice guy but led by the dick )

So she did something really strange, when she stripped 'grannys house' she took all the 'valuables' ( china, silver, antiques ) to this pawn-shop owner and sold penny's on the dollar; Then something that really boggled my mind, Granny had a payment of $60K cash on sale of her house to be given to all surviving family members, which was +10 people; So my sister got the legal notice of disbursement and sold it to a 'factoring agency' at 20% of face value so she could get the money 'today' rather than a month later, so in her hurry to get $12K she lost $60K

How do they make people so fucking stupid? Why do I only see women do this???

I would really like to an OP on this issue of insane fucking women; In my family case I haven't seen any of the males do this fucking SHIT;

I suspect it comes from this attitude of most young attractive sluts, "I can always get more money, I'm young and beautiful, easy to find men with money, and when their money is gone, I will find another man with money"

Along their path they get old and that door closes, but they became sociopaths along the way and even rip off family members;

Males simply don't do this most have to work, and not eat chocolates and lay on the couch their entire lives;

Even the gay&tranny's in my family work, only the females do I see this parasitic lifestyle and lack of interest in great art or ideas;

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I have to wonder today, with life insurance and 'suicide' being that the insurance company can deny payment that people defer from the old means of ending their pain, because they want their payout to their familys

So people endure terrible pain to DIE the way an insurance company says you must die;

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Well this is a profound question? Given that it seems to be mostly "WOMEN" on Amy's blog allow me to toss out this question.

Is it only women that are this DUMB about money? Or do men do it too?


I did an entire OP to make sure this question gets resolved; I think there is something different here, I see the women ( at least in my family ), they seem to skate through life laying on there back, while I do have male bums in my family they tend to just be your average low-life street bum, no money to burn in the first place.

IMHO men who work to build their wealth, don't burn their wealth, well unless its so the 'bitch' can't get it, .... On the other hand, women will plunder a mans wealth, then just move on to another man, well until they're old & ugly

At the end of the day this rings true ... ( who said this?? )

"A woman is as old as she looks, a man is as old as he feels"

Lastly, to sign-off this question, lets deal now with all this tranny cutting off the tits&dicks, does any of that change the financialism of under discussion, an ugly man who becomes an uglier woman, doesn't have any of the options in this Post; Same-Same a woman who disfigures herself is in the same boat, she's highly unlikely to nail the marriage lottery.

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Im the same. In fact since the plandemic i haven’t gone to my doc at all. He knows I’m pissed and his office doesn’t call anymore to book screening appointments of any kind. He’s a fraud and he knows I know it. He jabbed kids and for that I will NEVER go to him or his like ever again. I take excellent care of myself: eat right, take preventative supplements, keep my brain and body working hard and I have Ivermectin and Fenbendazole on hand in copious amounts if I ever need them. I’d rather die by my own hand than let another quack come near me. My kids are adults and respect these decisions, they are mine alone.

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I'm curious why your doctor is a pediatrician.

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Watched the medical industry damage my Mom with cancer 'treatments' and she eventually got fed up and used Cantron and achieved some better health years after. She always got her flu shots, so I suspect that was the cancer cause. I would say that if I ever suspect I have 'cancer' I would use only plants to heal it, and nothing that I had to buy if I could avoid it. I also make sure I get enough sleep, I priortize that above all else. Also, to mention, this is NOT MEDICAL ADVICE, making tobacco tincture is ez -about .5 oz tobacco with a quart of vodka- use American Spirit if you can get it, its organic. A few drops (go easy) keeps any illness from accessing your nicotine receptors, which is what the badjabs are targeting. A quart of tincture will last a looong time, you can share it.

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this sounds like a really smart idea! since I'm not planning on getting any of the bad jabs I wonder what other illnesses would be covered? thanks!

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Re pinning the blame of cancer onto genetics, they tried to do the same with Alzheimer's.

I wrote an article about the true causes of Alzheimer's: https://heatherjburroughs.substack.com/p/the-cause-and-cure-of-alzheimers

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Cancer: The Forbidden Cures only showcased a small number of the natural (and repurposed drug) cures being used. A friend of mine is taking Essiac and Paw Paw and doing very well many months after a diagnosis of metastatic cancer.

To date, every type of cancer and at every stage (including thousands of Stage 4) have been cured, even cases of people "on their death beds". But the APPROVED "Standard of Care" treatments do NOT address the real problems, and all (can) make things worse because surgery trashes the immune system and invariably releases cancer cells to spread, and chemo and radiation cause even more damage. None of them kill the cancer "stem cells", so they frequently come "roaring back" after the "treatments" are concluded. Shrinking a tumor 90% is irrelevant— meaningless— if it is just going to rebound because the super tough and aggressive stem cells aren't killed. (Fenbendazole kills stem cells, as do a whole collection of natural substances)

And the psychological dimensions of the problem must be addressed, too! I suspect that three-quarters of the reason a cancer occurs is ENERGY, and that is powerfully affected by mind/psychology, as well as energy healing techniques —qi gung, etc. And psychological factors — repressed emotions or emotional trauma cause energy blocks in the body.

Diet is also a big factor: going keto and doing some fasting to correct higher blood sugar levels can starve out a cancer (usually glucose/glutamine-dependent) and give the immune system a better chance at killing it.

Modern medicine has been "barking up the wrong tree" with cancer resesrch for decades. Cancer is NOT a genetic disease, it is metabolic— clearly a problem of defective energy metabolism/production. Basically it is a mitochondrial disease. Trying to taylor genetic therapies to a patient’s individual cancer is an impossible task because a tumor can contain cells having thousands of mutations. The genetic aberrations are the RESULT of mitochondrial damage and energy disruption, NOT the cause of the cancer! A cell with healthy mitochondria will never become cancerous because they control repair of any minor damage, and will initiate apoptosis if it is beyond repair. With sick mitochondria, the cell can't produce energy through normal oxidative phosphorylation and so it converts to mostly anaerobic fermentation and GOES ROGUE, with all normal controls to excessive growth failing. Presto! You have a cancer! But it is ALL reversible!

Cancers are only "death sentences" if someone submits to the "protocols" of Oncologists who don't know what they are doing, because their education is completely controlled by Big Pharma. The Cancer Industry is super profitable, and they WANT their $150,000 or so for a year's treatment with chemo! They WANT to keep their surgeons busy. They WANT to use (and therefore justify) that expensive radiotherapy equipment! They will NOT tolerate competition from cheap, harmless natural cures!

It is up to the individual patient to "do their homework", be brave, and BUCK THE SYSTEM. Fear "sells" the standard "big three" treatments — cut, poison, and burn. They all damage the immune system, but also that FEAR! People need to reject whatever the doctor tells them in terms of life expectancy . . . statistics ONLY apply to groups, NOT an individual! 'Way too many times a doctor will tell a patient, "You have . . . months to live", and so the person accepts that (subconsciously) and obligingly dies "right on time!". Such is the power of the human mind! And then that reinforces the erroneous idea further in the mind of the doctor, so he infuses that faulty belief into his next hapless and uneducated victim. The entire system is a SCAM! And people can do better.

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I agree completely. I have a friend who was recently diagnosed with stage IV ovarian cancer. So far she's going through the motions, unfortunately. Last I checked she was back in the hospital for some type of blockage.

It's routinely amazed me, with both Covid vaccines and conventional cancer treatments, how many often smart, sometimes into holistic medicine and critical of Pharma in many other ways, people I knew who fell right in line with the scam. Then I get dragged along on a roller coaster of tests are good for awhile and oh whoopsie it's back again. There's nothing we can do. I've tried to tell many people that there is no expiration date stamped on your foot but many do indeed die in line with when the doctor Gods told them they would, as though they've commited themselves to their own death sentence. It's sad and horrible to watch.

Karen Hunt's post had me musing on a deeper darker track though. I have seen people who at some point nobody could seem to save them. I've seen that with cancer too but also with suicides and the drug addicted. Is there something in the human psyche that has a destructive impulse or was it just their time to go?

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At this point in humanity's stage of spiritual evolution, people don't know how to just shed their bodies when they are finished with their life journey here, and so they need a method of ending its life so they can exit. Cancer is one option that many have chosen . . . and it has certain secondary benefits— they go slowly (usually) enough to give them time to wrap things up; they get lots of attention from family and friends; they learn how to access their inner strength and deal with difficult challenges; they learn compassion for others who are similarly going through the process, etc.

The problem with the whole dying thing is that humans, from the typical limited perspective, hold negative beliefs about death: that it is "bad", "terrible", etc. But it isn't. It is wonderful to leave here and re-emerge "on the other side"! Our loss is THEIR gain! Yes, we miss them, but they have just shifted their focus of consciousness back into the non-physical where we all came from. They aren't "gone". We, on this side, grieve, but over there they are celebrating coming home from a journey into this time-space experience. Cancer often is the "ticket home". The major events of life here are seldom accidental or random occurrences.

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Yes.....plenty of my medical herbalist colleagues got the covid jab. I couldn't understand it.

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You wrote: Cancers are only "death sentences" if someone submits to the "protocols" of Oncologists who don't know what they are doing, because their education is completely controlled by Big Pharma.

Absolutely correct, but most people don't want to take responsibility for their own health and take the Doctor's word as gospel. Note that this actually also applies to those that rely on 'health in a bottle/pill'...

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A lot of people want a quick fix to their problem, whether it is a pill they pop once a day or a face cream that will magically reverse their aging skin or this quick two minute drink that will melt off excess body fat. This almost never works as true results begin from within. I'd dare say even for the quick fix true success stories there was probably lot of work being done internally to align them synergistically with the treatment, where they really believed in all their heart and soul in its successful outcome. I saw that with a friend who had breast cancer several years ago. I suggested alternatives to treatment but she stopped me when she said "I believe in all my heart and soul that these doctors will save my life." There wasn't much more to say to her after that: it's her journey, not mine. She's still alive...

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Very true!

Basically you can get sick for 2 reasons:

1 - Because of being 'poisoned' and your body is reacting to get rid of the toxins. Treatments in such cases should help that auto-healing of your body, and not suppress the symptoms.

2 - Because of your 'state of being' and in that case your illness is a Messenger that you should change your ways (and the organs/body parts where it manifests, will give you a clue of the root-cause of you illness).

> In both cases illness is actually a 'blessing in disguise'. But modern allopathic medicine considers illness as something alien that should be fought against and completely disregards the function of illness as a way to heal your total being.

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And I think you can add in such things as the effect of nutritional deficiences. If the body lacks the raw materials to optimize the immune system or cellular health, then the body has a hard time staying functional.

The Placebo Effect is extraordinarily powerful. It can have major effects on the body. But there is also the "Nocebo Effect" that makes the body function worse! The mind can bring about both sorts of results.

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"To date, every type of cancer and at every stage (including thousands of Stage 4) have been cured, even cases of people "on their death beds"."


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There is nothing the least bit hilarious about an industry that preys upon ignorant and unsuspecting human beings who have no idea that they they have entered a gigantic for-profit system that selects "treatments" primarily based on their price tag (i.e. the highest-priced and most profitable), and whose practioners understand close to nothing about either what they are dealing with or how best to help their patients. The typical Oncologist is still laboring under the iilusion that cancer is a disease of genetic origin. They are clueless that any one tumor can contain cells with thousands of mutations and that unless they can kill the cancer stem cells, EVEN IF they successfully shrink the mass by 90% or so, that their treatments almost never work against the stem cells and when their highly toxic "treatment" must be discontinued (before it kills the patient) that the resistant stem cells, now mutated to be immune to the toxin, come "roaring back" with a "vengence", and now no cancer drug can touch them. End result: the patient dies. Actually, more people die FROM THE TREATMENTS than who die from the cancer itself. Bodies can only tolerate just so much deadly poison!

Their ENTIRE PREMISE is faulty! Cancer is a metabolic disease of damaged mitochondria, of faulty energy metabolism. The approaches to treatment that actually work are very cheap and nearly, or completely, nontoxic. They actually TARGET the cancer cells. And SUPPORT the IMMUNE SYSTEM, the ONLY THING THAT EVER CURES CANCER!!!! And Big Pharma and the medical system will "have none of it" because they WANT their $150,000 or more per patient.

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I agree completely. They chose something that would produce short term results at the expense of long term poisoning. Sadly I know of a man, one of my father's friends in Toledo, who we believe chemoed himself to death. He had throat cancer and was a true believer that if a little chemotherapy was good, then a lot must be so much better. He was a very stoic man who was constantly pushing them to give him the mximum treatment. After some heavy session my sister in law, who was working as his house cleaner, found his body. He'd apparently been throwing up blood in his toilet she said it looked like he was throwing up his internal organs and there was a trail of blood where it seemed that he was trying to drag himself into the bedroom, presumably to get to his phone and call 911. He never made it she found his body halfway between the hallway and the bedroom. It wasn't the cancer that killed him, we don't think...

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" ...every type of cancer and at every stage (including thousands of Stage 4) have been cured ..." is an absurd statement. Such amusement lands your fancy.

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It only seems absurd to you because of your extreme ignorance on the matter.

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That's what it must be. My ignorance .. - wrote the deluded, but never particularly bright to begin with "nurse"

Anaerobes like you have no need for ox. phos.

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At least you have a sense of humor!

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P.S.— my body temperature is considerably too high for me to be an Anaerobe.

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You had better pray that you don't become one of the statistical one-in-two or one-in-three who get a cancer diagnosis some day. But if you do (and cancer has nothing to do with "bad luck"), after you get "slashed, poisoned, and burned" by minions of Big Pharma and they give up on you and send you home to "get your affairs in order", just remember that you still have options that THEY WILL NEVER TELL YOU ABOUT.

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Do you know ANYTHING about cancer??? Here is a small test: Tell us what oxidative phosphorylation is and how it relates to cancer metabolism.

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You didn't have my option. My option is - there is no such thing as cancer. There are only a myriad symptoms that stem from living in a society laden with toxins, emf's and stress. Going to a doctor to be treated with more toxins and emf's often just exacerbates these issues.

Another good option would be - taking preventative measures. Eating a clean diet, avoiding emf's and toxins will take one further down the road to health than anything else. Parasites will not flourish in people who do this. I have goats, chickens, cats and in the past I've had pigs and alpacas. And I often go barefoot around the farm. I have no problems with parasites. If parasites were an issue farmers would have all died out a long time ago.

Can some of the things that lamestream medicine calls cancer be treated with alternatives? Definitely. I recently removed a "skin cancer" from my face with black salve.

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This might sound a little crazy but about five years ago my husband Ka wanted to remove a large mole on the inside of my elbow which I had had since I was a child. It never grew or got discolored or did anything that indicated a problem with it, but my husband insisted that in Thailand style such moles were always removed because they worried about skin cancer later. That was accomplished with a razor and alcohol (both drinking and topical anesthetic). Perhaps not the best way to do it, but perhaps not the worst either...

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Hey! very brave of you!

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My husband has removed several suspicious (always itchy) spots on his neck, arms, back and scalp with black salve. Pre2020, he had some "pre-cancerous" spots removed by a pasty white, very sickly looking, demotologist at over $500 a pop WITH Insurance! And the spots just returned a few months later. Anyone new to black salve, be ware there are fakes on the market, specifically to give black salve a bad name and reputation. See GregCaton.com or herbhealers.com.

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True about fakes. There is also a lot of difference between legit products. Gaia has a big presence online, but I've found their salve to be wimpy. I'm not familiar with Greg Caton but it looks like he has some legit products. The best salve I've found came from a Florida Cracker who got the recipe passed to him down from many generations from the Seminole Indians. But he seems to have been put out of business - I can no longer find him.

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They like to muddy the water on legitimate solutions with cheap knockoffs which can sometimes do more harm than good, methinks. Some years ago I was trying to detox my first husband Oh's probable vaccine injuries with zeolite. I bought some cheap product from anywhere but after a few trials Oh refused to take it. He thought it made him sicker. I found out that even though zeolite is great, some versions are so contaminated with heavy metals they do more harm than good...

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It's a jungle out there.

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Kyle, what's ''black salve?''

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It's an herbal drawing salve that's been around for hundreds of years. Moles, skin cancer, even tumors under the skin are no match for it.

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I've used that salve to great effect on myself AND my dog! It's amazing and I love it. Haven't heard anyone talk about it for a very long time.

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Boils and styes too.

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Thanks very much!

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Hey! How have you been? I haven't seen you on Sage's stack in ages. Did you quit reading it?

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Hi Don! I'm there occasionally. Sage has a lot of videos, which I'm unable to follow due to hearing impairment. It's difficult for me to follow along, unfortunately. I've seen you on several other stacks, as well. Hope you and your family are swell! How's the construction biz??

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Everyone is great, thanks for asking. I'm as busy as I can handle, lol. I get calls almost every day. Hope things are well on your end as well. Take care and don't be a stranger!

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Good to hear. I'm well, adjusting to ''retirement.'' See you around!

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I envy you! 😁

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Kyle-- if someone who has taken all or most of the preventative measures, avoided as much as possible the emfs and toxins develops an aggressive cancerous tumor, then they are in the "C" world, and must navigate a path that is certainly not straight forward.

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Sadly, because the issues we face are global, I don't know anyone who falls into that category.

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Raymond Royal Rife used electromagnetic frequencies, not sound frequencies . . . Very different! Sound frequencies probably just work on the nervous system (or perhapse on Consciousness/subtle energy fields, too?). They shouldn't have much effect on the physical mass of the body because they are too low energy, and basically are just knietic energy. But they can have a huge effect on the brain — binaural beats entrain the brain frequency through some means, a sort of sympathetic resonance, perhaps. Sounds/music certainly has effects psychologically and spiritually.

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Sounds and music certainly help my mood! I knew they were somewhat different but thanks for the clarity...

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I've been listening to some of those binaural beats YouTube videos at bedtime and during the night. I can definitely tell the difference!

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There might be cures for cancer if ACS didn't exist, Rockefeller in 1913 created ACS "American Cancer Society" to Gain of Function his eugenic program.

Since 1913 ACS only job is/was to make 'cancer' worse

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And raise billions of dollars for "cancer research". Yet, 100 yrs later, there's still only 3 accepted treatment avenues - surgery, radiation and chemo.

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I’m convinced there are cures for cancer but they are being forcefully withheld to avoid interrupting the massive cash flow to big pharma.


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I did work for a Chemical Engineer in the 80s that said most Cancer could be cured with hardly any expense--but there is too much money involved


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Bill Sardi was great. Miss him.

A friend of mine was months away from starting dialysis. I shared one of Bill’s videos with him about kidney health. He followed Bill’s protocol and his GFR numbers improved within weeks. This was about 2 years ago. The video has since been removed by YouTube.

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What If Cancer Was Already Cured?

How To Activate An Army Of Macrophages To Boost Immunity


Read This!!

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Everybody should realize that Big Pharma is even worse than the Feds over money, period.

They will scam you while they run the scam on you, or anybody else with money. They raised the price of colchicine from 3 cents to 6 dollars a pill simply because they could.

A Company or Companies like this will stop at nothing, especially when they can convince you of a serious illness which may not exist.

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Fear of death has been weaponized.

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AMA is even more interesting, logic says that Rockefeller too created AMA "American Medical Association"

Actually they begat in 1880's as "Barbers" and bled people with leeches and that was the AMA, 80% of all 'health-care" in USA up to 1918 was "HOMEO-Apathy, which was essentially 'grand-ma' medicine carried down from old-europe, marijuana, and opium poppy's for 90% of all problems and willow-bark(aspirin) for the rest

So in 1918 Rockefeller owning the US-Congress mandated "OIL BASED MEDCINE" and lobbied to make homeo-apathy illegal, by 1922 some +1,000 Homeo-Opathy ( Holistic-Medicine aka Jethro Kloss ) medical schools had been shutdown and Rockefeller took over the entire Western Medical with Harvard, & John's-Hopkins that would later lead the world in death, even Tuskegee, and Henrietta-Lackey (Famous immortal cell-line HEN-LA came from giving black-women uterus cancer ) were JH victims; Something about killing knee-grows in prisons & hospitals thrilled 'modern medicine' from the begin

So when somebody today asks about the AMA you just say, OH those rockefeller guys who used to bleed with leeches and now just bankrupt & kill their patients.

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Homeopathy was not grandma medicine.

It was and still is a legitimate, subtle and highly efficacious system of treatment. The Rockerfellers wiped it out because it worked. It has been mercilessly suppressed by big pharma. Although interestingly the Royal Family maintain an official homeopath.

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Mrs S, I have seen first hand the enormous power of homeopathy. It works, but it takes skill to arrive at the best remedy. I don't have that skill as much as I tried to acquire it. However, in June I had the Omicron variant that was circulating and tested (whatever that means) positive. It was my 3 days of sore throat that got me in to see a doctor because it was too painful. Didn't want to eat or drink so I went to see a doc thinking I had strep; nope just an angry red sore throat. Got home, looked up the remedies and belladonna came to the top. A 30C dose of belladonna and 1/2 hour later I was 50% better. Two more doses over 1-1/2 hours and my sore throat was no more. Homeopathy Works. My grandmother did not know homeopathy, but they had there own wisdom.

Scott Gotlieb's has declared his intention to wipe out homeopathy. What a bastard he is

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So glad the belladonna sorted your sore throat.

I adore homeopathy. It has changed my life. If i might recommend joettecalabrese.com she has a wonderful simplified system and her website is a treasure trove of information.

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Thanks Mrs S, I know there is a study group in my neck-of-the-woods, but I do not know who they are following.

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I don't see much difference between YOU gatekeepers at AMA, or the NHO ( natural health homeo-opathy degree lab coat fuck nuts )

All is a 'club' certification to practice 'medicine'

Some of the dumbest bitches I have ever met are "Natural Pathetic Healers" with their ND ( naturo-pathic doctor degree ) when I hear then talking about organic-chemistry ( which I know ) I can tell they're full of bullshit; Rarely do I hear doctors talk about even bio-chemistry, and when I do, I know its a doctor who thinks he's 10x smarter than everybody else; So fucking what; Just write my prescription so I can leave your fucking office;

My last years in USA the only time I went to a doctor, was because I need med's for stuff caused by working in the bush, you can't buy over-counter ( in fucking USA ), so you first have to go to a fucking doctor and pay $150 for a hook-up, to which he writes a prescription, then you go to a pharmacy and pay $75 USD for some pills that cost them $1 made in India;

This is why I left the USA almost 20 years ago and only live in Country's that I can buy med's over the counter, for $1 without a fucking doctor; Even fucking CHINA doesn't require a prescription to buy what you want, when you want it, and like all things there is a fucking pharmacy on every corner.

FUCK the USA medical system and the ND natural-healing club of assholes that are no different than the AMA club of assholes


Here's the deal, Granny didn't need an "ND", she knew, cuz for 100's of generations before you the humans on earth had learned to grow their own natural herbal healing stuff; It was passed down, without fucking gate-keepers and college certified fuck-nutz in debt to their eye-balls;

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It's not that I don't agree with what you wrote, but are you suffering from 'fucking' coprolalia?

Note: Coprolalia involves the involuntary use of obscene or inappropriate language and it is a symptom that can occur as part of Tourette syndrome or other tic disorders.

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I take it they never had any drunken-sailors in Belgium?

I assume today they only make woke easily offended 'safe space people' in Belgium?

Like I said, "If you ain't angry and spouting vulgarity to the status quo 24/7, then you ain't human"

The entire reason status-quo pulled off the COVID SCAM is this problem that too many of you are easily offended COWARDS;


1.) Yelling & screaming and call out the COVID enablers is a good start

2.) Later lynching is a better way to prevent another COVID

3.) Giving the corpses a fair trial decades after their lynching is only fair, its what they would have done for their victims.

COVID & CANCER really are all cut from the same agenda of world de-population by elite owners;

Just like Lahaina, if you ain't angry about what they did there, then you ain't human, about the only way we can express our anger is with profanity

If the cowards & cucks forbid our vulgarity then what do you propose? Self Flagellation??

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I don't think it's the vulgar words per say that are offensive Bilbo's Batch, rather it's the wholesale denigrating of large swaths of people with accusatory YOU people types of remarks. I agree with many things you say but it is worded in oppositional defiance to just about everyone...

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This is a good post, on this very issue, the thin veneer of 'woke' society is coming down, and if people are shocked now, and can't find a 'safe space' then where in the hell are you going to go when the "Anarchy" begins??

Are the CUCKS really safe?

Is there any safe spaces??

Even here on substack how can we make the ‘sub’ safe for woke cucks??


The bad news is the CUCK is going the way of the dodo bird and if they don’t learn to stand on their own feet, and walk like a man, if 4-letter words cause their sphincter to bleed, then they’ll die cucks in this coming ‘reset’

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BINGO, I knew this had nothing to do with the "FUCK" word, so pray tell what or which group of "YOU" did I offend? The covid-enablers, or the homo-pedo groomers??

They know who they are when I say them by name

By the way I never use the words "YOU PEOPLE" I always say homo, cuck, or pedo, or covid-enabler.

Right now we're discussing the psychotic "MEDICAL INDUSTRY" and it doesn't end with AMA MD's the ND's are just as much of the problem, its all about money, and patient care last.

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Like "POGO" said, "we have seen the enemy and he is YOU"

"If you want to see the enemy, YOU need only look in the mirror" - POGO

See, even reputable safe-space icons are telling truth of "YOU"

+100 years the west has actively battled "Cancer", its an industry on its own, mostly stuff like chemo that bleeds all assets of cancer patients, really no different than Remesdivir being given to a COVID patient, just robbing them of their life, killing them and sending their familys or insurance, or medicare a big bill;

Nobody in the cancer BIZ wants it cured, like everything, there is too much money in just keeping the entire system running AS-IS, especially by the vested 'white lab coats' that call themselves MD's ND's and PHARMA sales-Rep's

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You are suffering from vaginal bleeding in the mouth, too much BBC

Fuck you

I have explained well before if you ain't angry, then you ain't human

You cucks that police our language are our fucking problem, so we need to say "FUCK YOU" to your faces 24/7 until you get it.

Do you get it? I didn't think so;

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You can be angry without reverting to vulgarity.

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You can be a CUCK, You can even be a woke cuck

But to expect real men to listen to a cuck, you might as well be a dog barking at the moon.

You cannot be angry without telling the cuck to his face what you really think about him, even if the words you use drive the cuck to his safe space.

IMHO substack has a block feature, but that is not your hasbara intention here, your goal is to have me banned from this OP of amy's, I think it would be better for you to just block me, and find your safe space

Never try to control another person, its a really bad habit that only assholes & morons would even bother.

I can imagine you in a club-house of "Hells Angels" telling them to tone down their vulgarity, I'm sure the entire pack would have their way with you and make you squeal like a pig all night long;

The world is a nasty place, and all the demands by CUCKS will not create your homo-pedo disney paradise, if you want to live in a world free of "Vulgarity" META has a headset and a virtual-reality gear for people just like you.

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It's NOT the use of "FUCK" that triggered "BLUE" here, its something that I said about ND's or the MD system, I'm sure

As all know "FUCK" is the most frequently used word in my vocabulary.

Hey, its Multiculturalism people, in my tribe we say fuck all the time, deal with it,

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That was grand-ma's job, she grew the mari-jane, the opium poppys and dispensed the med's free for the family, never diss grand-ma bitch

Fuck the UK

Fuck your Big-Pharma, or any pharma, fuck your pharma prescription medical racket


Read my fucking posts I have written dozens of OP's on the history of Rockefeller and how they destroyed traditional american medicine, TAM, not unlike TCM ( tradtional chinese medicine ), and I'm a practitioner of TCM

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'grandma' I mean HOLISTIC and by HOLISTIC I mean 'grandma' could get her med's for the family for FREE, she grew them

You might hate grand-ma, and ONLY Love the fucking corporations

Pre 1920's USA had 800 Holistic Colleges, besides making Pot&Opium Ilegal post 1920, Rockefeller had every Holistic College in USA shutdown

I would say Jethro-Kloss "Back to Eden" ( published 1939 but really pre 1800's knowledge ) medicine which had been used in west 100's if not 1,000's of years, not much different thant CM ( chinese medicine ) albiet without the needles, but still same idea as found in jungles, herbals concoctions to treat all that ailes man

Rockefeller who owned oil, actually he started as a 'whale oil' man in Shanghai for Rothschild Bank in 1840's and by 1890's owned the Oil, and 1910 owned the USA and worlds Oil, broken up in 1915 but only a formality, they called him the 'octopus' for he en-wrapped the earth; Mandated "OIL based medicine" that was essentially just coal-tar, a known poison.

Read the fucking book "Back to Eden" BITCH, when I say 'grandma med' I'm talking free-medical for all humanity

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The cancer industrial complex was a precursor to the covid industrial complex (it's not a coincidence the covid bioweapon shots were a failed cancer "treatment" repurposed to healthy people). Both CiCs require government/medical SOP (standard operating procedure) and NOTHING ELSE. The SOP will will be defended at ALL COSTS.

My father took Laetrile in the 70's and his lymphoma cancer went into remission for 15 years. When the cancer came back (I question whether it was even cancer since no biopsy was ever performed), he did the burn, and poison SOP and was dead within two years. My sister only did the cut, burn and poison SOP for her breast cancer and was tortured for eight years before her death. I have a major issue with the cancer industrial complex. I hate all the people involved who protect the cancer SOP and then blame the cancer patient for their own deaths when following the SOP. Kinda sounds like covid no?

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So sorry about your sister.

My brother too, took the official treatments and died.

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Condolences to both of you...

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Amy, I have only recently found your work. Reading is mostly what I do & I'd like to say you're a good writer with a truly unique & engaging voice. The older/insert story about the dog was fascinating. Thank you.

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Thank you for the compliment and also for reading! Writers need readers. :-)

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Yeah, I like your posts too!

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My dad had an elderly neighbor who was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and so he was admitted to hospice at home. He died.....3 years later.....from a fall and hip fracture.

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