Mar 30Liked by Amy Sukwan

Great article , you are always entertaining when you tell us about your world .

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Mar 30·edited Mar 30Liked by Amy Sukwan

I think most of the enforcers are dying at a faster rate than us. As we are all discovering, it's difficult/impossible to get mentally comprimised, dying people to change their minds. Those that do come after us are indeed the beserkers.

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We must try appealing to the humanity of compliance enforcers. That didn’t work much at Auschwitz, but surely there’s a sense of empathy and virtue within every useful idiot. Demons, not so much. And I vote Yes, “mass noncompliance [is] the answer for all of us.” It’s an effective strategy, which connects nicely with “Fear not.” Cool to think you found a “fear not” for every day of the year.

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The technocrats can also supposedly sway upwards of 25 MILLION votes in a single election, according to some of the premier experts... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/technocracy-takeover-googles-ephemeral

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Mar 30Liked by Amy Sukwan

Bribe them. G3t a fake Vax cars fake dr papers. Worth every penny

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Mar 31Liked by Amy Sukwan

They oddly left "non-denominational" churches off that chart. Many people I know have abandoned typical "religions" because they've strayed so much from the teachings of the Bible, but still attend a non-denominational church regularly. Our church never shutdown during covid, no masks, no social distancing and our pastor preaches AGAINST the jabs and all the fear. Our attendance has been steadily growing since 2020, while older churches in town have struggled with getting their congregations back after shutting down.

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Mar 30Liked by Amy Sukwan

I'm homeless and live in my car..in the ..supposed lucky country Australia.

You n hubby are doing well my friend.

Keep up the good work love your input here on subs...have to say...WOW...because..your thoughts/writing/words..are..felt..but also..are akin...thank you

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