I haven’t done a hot take on anything in awhile but I’ve been hanging out on twitter/X threads and substack digging up the slightly more unconventional viewpoints on the Trump assasination attempt. I am pretty sure it was an intended assasination, though who was ultimately behind it becomes harder to determine.
From the initial video Trump is talking about the illegal immigrant influx (do I hear boos in the crowd?). The first shot is the one which apparently grazes his ear and you can see most people duck afterwards. Two more shots ring out then there is a volley of shots, all sounding like a similar caliber of gun. The crowd behind Trump in the grandstands appear to be gathering around someone who has been gravely injured.
All of this is in line with the official story, which seems to be that the gunman is laying on a roof nearby and is taken out with a headshot by secret service snipers. This satellite image appears extremely plausible of the shooter’s location. This would put him 125 meters/410 feet out from the President on the podium:
How easy is it to make a head shot, or to ever so slightly miss, from a distance of 410 feet? Perhaps because my shot is so bad I couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn at 10 feet away I have a healthy respect for sharpshooters. In my life I’ve known three different US military types who were deployed as snipers, which is as statistically implausible as knowing three people personally who died of gliomas. The job sounds extremely boring most of the time but it requires an awesome situational awareness on all sides, both in setting up the shot (distance, weather, windspeed, and obstructions including other people) and in evading detection of your location afterwards (presuming you hit a high value target and that you want to live to shoot another day). I’ll get back to that second point later.
My first blush then is that the shooter was definitely trained and that nobody can accurately near miss that good. He was definitely going for a head shot of Trump and had his first shot set up as the killer. Trump turned his head by some chance of fate. The next two shots by the sniper would not have been as accurate. The Secret Service finally springs into action, taking the would be assasin out with a head shot. There’s too many angles and people involved for me to read the whole thing as fake news:
Nor do I assume some elaborate attempt by the Trump team to make his popularity soar to new highs with this:
Is the Simpsons predictive programming finally faltering or will they just try again to take Trump out?
Now the questions begin. So who was the shooter? Why was he not detected sooner by the Secret Service? If he was a true lone gunman trying to take Trump out he must have realized that whether he succeeded or failed this would be a suicide mission for him.
The shooter has not been identified yet. Someone one twitter claimed it as a man named Mark Violet but the image of the person (a heavyweight darker haired man) in no way corresponded with video and images of the dead sniper. This is a graphic image but I am pretty sure is accurate:
All is consistent except why wasn’t this guy noticed before?
Let’s pray for the victims (Donald Trump included), the USA and the World in general. We are living in turbulent times.
The power is out and it is pouring down rain here. But this meme resonates with me so well. I want to extend a genorous thank you to all of my readers and especially my donors and paid subscibers. You’ve been a lifeline to me during these insane times, evolving the conversation with your thoughts and insights and encouraging me with kind words that make me feel less useless.
Here’s my Las Vegas alter ago. Except where am I going to find the donkey?
I think you need another option: Assassination attempt, covert op.
Secret Service should be fired.
Joe Biden should be arrested for inciting an assassination.
He DID say on that phone call to donors: "... it's time to put Trump in a bullseye."
If that is not an executive directive - I don't know what is.
Posted this elsewhere too:
My instinct is w/the truther/analyst who surmised that this was a false-flag too so that they (PTB) can then "shoot Biden" to get him out of the way & claim it was a Trumper who did it. You know... to further the "inter-political- party war" & further fractionalize voters - because, as y'all should know by now, folks, we have a US LOCK-step UNI-party that is failing at their goal of continuing to play us against each other - C19/jab awakening, right? - & they're desperate. And, imo, I think Trump is a part of the cabal, too. YMMV of course but let's see how this shit-show continues to play out before us. Taking bets?? MK-Ultra shooter once again.
(Further, love this twist, Musk the deep state's wonder boy is NOW fully for Trump, so...the deep state is making their chess move as they don't like to lose & so play all sides as history reveals.)
And, finally, after the Jan6 fake MSM BS, ask yourself why you would believe anything you are told now by the MSM & politicians?? It's NOT jaded to doubt the story-lines of another clearly LIHOP event as supposedly people were reported as telling the cops about the man climbing on top of the roof w/a shotgun & pointing him out for minutes before the so-called shooting/shots & yet cops did nothing? Sounds to me like the cops stand-down at Uvalde School & many other prev false flag inconsistencies.
And the SS only reacted afterwards & their lame excuse was... the so-called shooter was outside the perimeter of the security zone? Is 410 feet "outside" when it's an overflowing Trump rally per usual?? Nope, there's something stinky in the state of false-flag-story-ville here & I can smell it a mile away. Question everything, folks, & don't fall for the "trust us this time, we're all telling you the actual truth".