I lean towards covert Op backed. The lack of Secret Service protection on that building is the giveaway to someone turning a blind eye intentionally. It doesn't look like that difficult of an area to secure unlike say an urban area with thousands of sky rise apartments and other vantage points.
That said if a swarm of humanity which has legitimate grievances with the way things are going decided to take out figureheads there would quickly be too many shooters to guard against...
Yea…a “covert op” that was done by the government…the whole thing looks faked to me…even the photo of the ‘shooter’ you have included…looks totally like an AI generated photo. It’s like all the other ‘false flag’ BS shootings (Las Vegas) done by a ‘lone gunmen’. The total sad thing to me is that SOOO many people have once again ‘bought into’ the PsyOP BS!
Changed my mind, Amy as I now do NOT believe that it was a covert op but a Trump op. . Once you watch the video breakdowns by lots of smart truthers, you will see that this was choreographed just as if it was a magic trick...turning/pointing, large printed/graphic/visual misdirection, deliberate camera angles away from Trump's ear, lack of Trump or SS "panic", And Trump's clear directive to the SS "WAIT, Wait, wait...w/no fear for a photo op.
Clear as a blue sky day w/no clouds (or aerosol spraying/chemtrails!) to me at this point.
> TRUMP FAKE SHOOTING EXPOSED?! More Evidence Shows This Was Likely Choreographed Stage Magic/ A HOAX
Maybe secret service agents has too much Covid 19 vaccines or the sniper has too much Covid 19 vaccines! Because these vaccines does have significant neurological damage! It damages the brain big time! Many of my residents at nursing homes gone crazy after taking the Covid 19 injection! So, they’re critical thinking ability and skills has reduced .
We’ve all suddenly forgotten Biden has dementia and can’t remember which direction to walk off stage. He doesn’t “do” anything. Whatever “orders” he may sign / give are / should be null and void due to him being non compis mentis. I’m guessing the cabal want to inflame conflict, because that’s ALWAYS what they want to do. Biden and Trump are both team cabal. The cabal like f-king with us.
Yeah I dismiss anyone who pushes hard that Trump is “in the way” of the globalists. I don’t buy that for a hot second. He’s team cabal. This is so clear to me I don’t buy anyone ostensibly fighting the cabal who tries to present him as an outsider / insider taking on the baddies. No. He did not do that when he was in office. Filled his cabinet with bankers, just like Obama. Didn’t tell all of us he was being told / ordered to do Operation Warp Speed by the DOD / cabal. I knew in Feb / March 2020 that the “covid” crap was a crock of shit. I do not believe I knew more than Donald Trump. Nope. He’s on team globalist and is playing the role given to him. He’s a reality TV star and he’s great at that. He’ll sell us JPMorgan’s stable coin as the “greatest currency” and sell WWIII as the “greatest war.” We cannot unsee what we’ve seen. We cannot believe “heroes” sold to us so we abdicate our power to them. That time is over. We are the heroes we need.
Agree Suzanne. Trump is just playing a role (like all politicians) & is part & parcel of the globalists' billionaires club/cabal (& was also a Dim funder for all of his adult life (& friends w/DNCers like Bill, Hillary, Obama & Epstein, etc).
Don't folks remember that Trump is a Globo/Cap/Zionist & Trump's sonny Don Jr is on the record as saying that "after Gaza "they" will build luxury housing on the Gaza beachfront there". Crooks & liars, eugenicists & evil-doers, all of 'em.
"Trump, The Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein & Sex Slaves"- Lolita Express -3 years ago
Naw...Amy, don't agree w/your analysis here at all anymore. The alleged Trump shooting was a Trump op in order to garner massive support from reg voters & non-MAGA folks.
Do you know just how much money the Trump campaign generated from this alleged "shooting"? Holey-moley BIG bucks..
Let's analyse this alleged shooting calmly, clearly & comprehensively, okay? No bias.
> TRUMP FAKE SHOOTING EXPOSED?! More Evidence Shows This Was Likely Choreographed Stage Magic/ A HOAX - 11 hours ago
It was choreographed all right, but not by Trump team. My God - THEY HATE HIM. And he is outnumbered. Seriously... I respect Fitts, but I don't hear her explaining WHY Trump came out when he did for Warp Speed vax release. Hmmm. What could be the reason? Perhaps to completely disrupt their timeline - because their plan was to totally pull down the worldwide economy first -- THEN release the vax. The deep state wanted to lock you down for two years and THEN release the vaccines. That way there would be no chance of economic recovery -- zero. He did not let that happen. He disrupted their timeline by releasing the vaxs a year and a half early - so the lockdowns would be over. And he also NEVER mandated vaccination or masking - in fact, Trump did just the opposite. He encouraged personal medical choice. In fact he told you how HE was being treated by Zelenski - he gave you his personal protocol and encouraged people to use that and build their natural immunity. He repeatedly said "don't be afraid. Don't let Covid 19 rule your life." He posted tons of tweets about hydroxychloroquine and promoted MDs who used that and other drugs instead of vaccines. Vaccines are the cabals' plan; he just released it early to disrupt their ultimate plan of global domination and even more death.
I encourage you to think again on this subject and perhaps try looking at things through a different window -- a different perspective.
SAMO - I always look at all sides of the issues/events but because I’m not in any political party nor do I have any allegiance to particular politicians, I feel that I have a clear vision.
If you refuse to see the evidence that the “Trump shooting” was staged due to all of the factual evidence there is NOTHING I can say to convince you. You have to be open-minded to the reality that Trump, like all of them, is an actor & is playing a role. The establishment pretends to hate him & Trump pretends to hate them while following all their prescriptions & hiring all the establishment peeps for his administration, etc. He’s in on all of it.
Trump has generated tons of money for HIMSELF, remember, as the Repub party goes on disavowing him as their candidate. Trump Inc is Big Bucks Co. & I’ve lived in NY now for many decades so feel I have a much better & more nuanced perspective on his long NY history (he’s a Democrat thru & thru) than possibly those outside the east coast - or MAGAs - who are all mostly Trump true-believers. Believing the Trump & MSM misdirection/BS is just as bad as believing the Dims are a party of equity. :/
My instinct is w/the truther/analyst who surmised that this was a false-flag too so that they (PTB) can then "shoot Biden" to get him out of the way & claim it was a Trumper who did it. You know... to further the "inter-political- party war" & further fractionalize voters - because, as y'all should know by now, folks, we have a US LOCK-step UNI-party that is failing at their goal of continuing to play us against each other - C19/jab awakening, right? - & they're desperate. And, imo, I think Trump is a part of the cabal, too. YMMV of course but let's see how this shit-show continues to play out before us. Taking bets?? MK-Ultra shooter once again.
(Further, love this twist, Musk the deep state's wonder boy is NOW fully for Trump, so...the deep state is making their chess move as they don't like to lose & so play all sides as history reveals.)
And, finally, after the Jan6 fake MSM BS, ask yourself why you would believe anything you are told now by the MSM & politicians?? It's NOT jaded to doubt the story-lines of another clearly LIHOP event as supposedly people were reported as telling the cops about the man climbing on top of the roof w/a shotgun & pointing him out for minutes before the so-called shooting/shots & yet cops did nothing? Sounds to me like the cops stand-down at Uvalde School & many other prev false flag inconsistencies.
And the SS only reacted afterwards & their lame excuse was... the so-called shooter was outside the perimeter of the security zone? Is 410 feet "outside" when it's an overflowing Trump rally per usual?? Nope, there's something stinky in the state of false-flag-story-ville here & I can smell it a mile away. Question everything, folks, & don't fall for the "trust us this time, we're all telling you the actual truth".
Trump did pushed the c19 gene editing injections. He helps marketed it as safe and effective. So the whole world not just the American people was kind of encouraged to take it!
So with this action he made I kind of question where he is standing really! Because we all know the C19 gene editing injections kill millions of people around the world! A true patriot wouldn’t want his people to be silently slaughtered, wouldn’t you??
So, I don’t know. I don’t trust Trump now eithier!
My response is to ask why you think Trump would have known the make up of those so called vaccines? Also Sacha Latypova and Catherine Fitts & others have evidence that the jab as patented was not the jab distributed. If you believe the deep state act against Trump, why would you dismiss the idea that he was deliberately misled by the deep state controlled MIC?
In addition to DWB answer , there are many medical experts close to Trump who told him that the vaccines were killing people but Trump did NOT do anything to investigate the information the other side were presenting to him! And even NOW he still didn’t change his narrative about the injections!
Exactly. The cabal like f-king with us. They run on the fuel of fear, chaos, hate, anger so need to trigger that in us on the daily. So they set us up and condition us to believe what they want us to believe when the trigger events happen (or seem to happen). We definitely should question everything. We know they run media AND social media. We know the players on stage are on team cabal or they get no stage. This looks and feels soooo set up to me, with the entirely predictable outcome from the conditioned population. This is just beyond obvious somethings not on the level. 👇
Secret Service Agent Gives Photographer Sign to get the Scoop For Trumps's "Iconic Photoshoot"
All before the "shooting" starts, the photogragher is given the go ahead by the SS Agent, the photographer then runs around the front of the stage, completely unafraid of being shot as he knew it was all a Psyop! - https://old.bitchute.com/video/zhTA3R44pDRZ/
Yes a real assasination attempt methinks. Now shots can be heard going off too close in succession to be the same person but I think that was the Secret Service taking out the shooter.
Where the rubber meets the road is who this guy is. My suspicion is they're going to pull people into red herrings with his identity and motives. In these turbulent times though controlling the narrative is getting very difficult. It could be a legitimate lone gunman who was sucked into TDS and perhaps hoppped up on drugs who wanted to fulfill a fantasy. It could be someone who feels Trump killed a family member with operation Warp Speed. It could be someone backed up by the Dems and traitorous SS agents paid to look the other way. If that's the case they still don't really have a plan B. Nobody does.
Who knows now he’s dead.. the one guy on X is not the dead sniper on the substack news I saw. Plenty of reasons to kill Trump plenty to kill Biden too. This may be the HUGE EVENT scheduled for Monday the 15th Clif Hi prediction? Great takes
I tend to think it was real, at least not part of the real "plan" anyway. If the hot takes are true that it was a person on the roof with a plain rifle. ABC was reporting at one point one of their contributors called it an M4 clone but even if it was a regular AR15 the scenario could have easily be he climbed up in haste and took a few shots. Probably not a pre-positioned sniper nest because there would be too many witnesses. The narrative was too confused, too chaotic to have foreknowledge of it. In any case, if it was an M4 that means a fairly short barrel (to be legal without a SBR stamp that means 14.5" plus a 1.5" flash hider) with a 5.56 cartridge. Scope or not this is pushing the limits of that rifle's accuracy and certainly would risk the bullet tumbling. Devastating but not a high probably shot. The only alternative I can think to the disjointed reporting would be a rogue agent, a turncoat Secret Service sniper for example. But such an operator would not have missed.
I'm not sure about the "would not have missed" part. As I said in my analysis I can't hit the broad side of a barn at 10 feet, so I do have respect that some training went into the shot. But there's a difference between hypothetical training simulations which can play like video games and real world I'm really killing Donald Trump scenarios in the psychology of the mind. Two of the three snipers I knew, incidentally, said they never once used their guns in an actual situation like this. They were set up for sentry duty of sorts perched on rooftops and nothing interesting ever happened.
The second thing there is a lot of the sniper shots have a target set to the head of course for a kill shot, but you're slicing a lot thinner than that at "graze the ear just so" at 410 feet...and although the sniper has been named as Matthew Crooks nothing much has emerged about his background...or if that was perhaps a made up name...
Also I don’t just hold the democrats in contempt the rhinos essentially the uni party that benefits themselves by keeping the gravy train going. Trump is threatening their extra cash. Trump is running against both parties and maybe the people Can win … system seems so broken and yet it’s worth killing for.
As long you get someone else to pull the trigger. FBI will investigate like the Las Vegas shootings, hunter Biden’s lap top.
James - If you believe that everything you see is "real", what about the C19 scam-demic hoax?? A hoax sooo effective that the PTB convinced many millions world-wide to believe in it. Crazy.
Sorry, but just couldn't resist sharing this ... I subscribe to the belief that good ole Joe Cornpop is long gone, dead as a door-nail & the man playing him is NOT the real Joe Biden. Proof >
> The Ears Do Not Match The Real Joe Biden! Did They Murder Him? BackToConstitution
And if you go back decades & do more sleuthing, the Joe Biden who was photographed & known way back then is most def NOT today's look-alike play-pretend so-called Biden. :/
I realize that people want to believe that what they are shown on the TeeVee by the MSM is what is actually happening in the way we are told, but using critical thinking & analysis is free & critical also to our individual survival skills. If I had "believed" the C19/hoax "psyop" I might have taken a fake jab for a fake "corona flu" & then suffered health consequences or died. :/
At this point, we should, each of us, be very, very suspish of any event or MSM/public storyline. Your health, life, future, freedom, liberties & overall happiness depends on your critical analysis.
Guess we're mostly on the same page & think that I misunderstood this part of your comment at top when you seemed to be upset with folks being jaded over the so-called shooting attempt/so-called assassination attempt on Trump >
James: "I can’t believe how many people think it was all staged? A jaded bunch some immediately jump to
That conclusion. I’d say ask the other dead people one other than the sniper."
It seemed to me that you were believing the MSM version of what happened at the Trump rally & I know by now that most of these public "gun events" are not only scripted but there are stand-downs, such as at the Uvalde School w/the local cops &, in this case, w/the SS agents who allegedly ignored the people in the crowd pointing at the "shooter-man climbing onto the roof w/the gun". Feel as if I should say "alleged" after every MSM story point, don't you? ;-)
Anyway, sorry if I was heavy-handed in my comment to you as my intent was only to suggest we should all question everything all the time & not be binary thinkers. haha
oh, and p.s. Whether Trump wins or not seems irrelevant to me as he is also one of the elites/cabal who are screwing us over endlessly although admittedly very "creatively". Trump's history & inclinations & all of his life choices/habits do NOT make him a friend or defender of the "common folks" by any means. Both he & his kids - & his father before him - are/were slum lords & crony capitalists.
Why would anyone vote for either of the UNI-party's selected "choices" for yes-man go-fer as all US political leaders are selected to support the evil-bad guys? This is the real mystery to me re: the partisan back & forth in the present USofA.
Matthew asks (regarding a staged shooting psyop & its complete impossibility because…well, cuz…):
“In what parallel universe could this conspiracy work? No one, not even the world’s best sniper—or Putin himself—could guarantee to hit just an ear and not the brain of a head that is moving, at any distance.”
Guess Matthew doesn’t go to movies or watch any violent TV shows where staged shootings are de rigueur (or necessary/expected) per the story plots & special effects are, well…oh, so very convincing. Blood & guts are shown but it’s NOT real life, so, yeah, a parallel “fake bloody ear” is quite possible.
And my comment here on another restack of this same article >
Yeah, that photo op… “WAIT, Wait, wait” from Trump to the SS “guarding him” as he stands up, shakes his fist & mouths “Fight” several times. How many times did they practice that scene before the real life take? The flag overhead is a brilliant touch.
As the old Joe (not the new, decrepit, imposter Joe) was want to say, derisively, “C’mon, man, you really expect us to believe that complete BS yor selling?”
Everyone can surely see thru this staged drama-dy if they only open up their minds & eyes & THINK.
James, do see the other tip-offs including that there was no panic in Trump, his SS & the entire friggin crowd (who calmly waited in their seats after their hero was SHOT?!) Huh?!? WHUT?
I’d say either a planned close call, or planned assassination.
I think the guy on the roof was a plant. Good chance the visor-hair combo guy was a plant, too.
I think the shooter was on the opposite side of Trump. I’m saying this after seeing photos from NYT (if they’re in chronological order) and legit.
So what now? Chaos is a given. Probably saying Trump isn’t fit to run, and pull some ‘neurological’ issue bs. Also, Trump’s fist/fight gig could be considered a call for insurrection by the left. And of course the guns are bad narrative.
I think Trump will be president. And being he’s the pandemic president, we can get ready for the bird flu vaccine season.
I'm not sure that the Pandemic 2.0 redux dog and pony show will work as well this time. Then again they're trying to fear monger the far right with all of the measles cases in New York City migrant shelters (the hated "antivaxxers" for MAGA types). It sounds too steered by pro jab people but I'm still amazed at how people can fall for it on tribal lines...
They’re aiming for WWIII (again / still) and who better than “tough guy” Trump for that role? And the bird flu scam bonus round. Ugh. We’ve really got a lot of waking up still to do.
So, if Trump was guilty of "starting an insurrection" because of statements made about marching to the Capitol peacefully, etc., what might these people be guilty of?
(Having "a killer sense of humor", perhaps?)
Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." pic.twitter.com/K5FeeijDuC
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 13, 2024
Just yesterday, Joe Biden mega-donor @reidhoffman was making jokes about assassinating Donald Trump. pic.twitter.com/sMXbUq1O8a
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) July 13, 2024
A field director for Congressman @BennieGThompson (who headed the Jan. 6th Commission & recently proposed legislation to remove Trump’s Secret Service detail), wishing Trump’s assassin had better aim on social media. pic.twitter.com/vQTptynYBK
Pretty much echo my thoughts on this. How did the shooter know the roof would be clear? Lots and lots of questions, but I'm glad that Trump is ok -- terrible that somebody else at the rally was killed, though.
Lots of hot takes out there. Hard to know what to believe. A few things stand out though;
-How was the shooter able to get that close? I've heard distances between 150 yards and 410. One person on Telegram says that he measured it as 180 or something on Google Earth...
-Why did the local police take so long to do anything after witnesses told them that a guy with a rifle was climbing around on the nearby roofs?
-Why did the SS sniper wait until the shooter took his shots before taking him out?
I can't seem to access telegram but make sure you are converting from metric system as needed. 125 meters is about 410 feet. Some might be hot takes and estimates from military types all over the world. Any secret service securing a large rally for a former president should and would have had the entire area mapped out for these types of threats...
The feeling I'm getting is a covert operation. The Secret Service's lack of preparation and failure of all police personnel to attend to a visible gunman climbing "bear style" is damning. Perhaps a kid who was recruited because he had an impressive sniper shot, and they may well have promised him that no one would shoot back...but he would go to jail.
Trump is a player as they all are (including Kennedy). A different faction in the family backs him...that's all. The NWO Family has factions, and they don't play nice with one another. Of course, no news will be forthcoming from either FBI or SS just baloney like they normally do now. As someone else mentioned, just like the LV shooting. Nothing will be revealed, and nothing will add up.
If you think it’s staged let’s find out. Let me pop one off near your fucking face. Even if it is a .22 don’t fret just means your brain will rattle more hahaha.
Not taking to you Amy lol. Taking to anyone who wants to go there 😉
Exactly. As I commented on Sage Hana's substack, about the only thing I can rule out is Trump going up to a sniper and saying "Hey Lenny how good is your shot? If I turn my face and you just clip me in the ear it'll be Yuge!"
I think the government was involved in this assassination attempt. Whether the encouraged this shooter and let it happen or the shooter was a government asset, I have no idea. I do think that Trumps SS team was in on it. I read after it happened, the SS contracts out the perimeter type security. I don’t know if that’s true.
Amy - Very interesting take on “this” several days later - altho post is on a satire/memes page so doesn’t go into “Is it live or is it memorex aka fake” angles directly.
> Jul 18, 2024 - BANANA REPUBLICsteria: Best Woke Secret Services Don't Do Sloped Roofs Memes - Let's play slopes & ladders, get your stop a FED ramp today, FEDs have a bad history with sloped roofs (Waco), every legend has their weakness & more woke Secret Service don't do slopped roofs memes!
The put options on $DJT is very interesting info imo & of course shows foreknowledge. Could Trump or GOPers have made “puts” rather than the Dims/Libs/establishment? WTH knows??
Does anyone out there fully understand or can explain the “DJT put options” as the very same deal happened in the 911 false-flag w/airplane et al put options on their stocks? Somebodies made big $bank$ on 911. And pls remember all of the predictive programming - The Simpsons in particular - of all of our major US-related false-flag events. Goes way beyond coincidency ... unless one is brain-dead.
"In honor of The Simpsons' 30th season (premiering Sept. 30), The Hollywood Reporter has culled together 30 episodes, plotlines and throwaway jokes that came to fruition in our three-dimensional world. So kick back in your Spinemelter 2000, grab your glass of Skittlebrau or Malk and enjoy!"
> "Lisa Simpson calls Donald Trump Presidency, Increased Debt"
The Donald Trump presidency (Season 11, Episode 17: "Bart to the Future")
"Let's start with the most widely circulated prediction. The second time The Simpsons took a peek into the future, Lisa has become president of the United States. In a cabinet meeting, she offhandedly mentions, "We inherited quite the budget crunch from President Trump." It initially was a reference to Trump attempting a run as a Reform Party candidate. But the words gained much more validity when Trump was elected president in 2016. The week after the election, the recurring chalkboard gag even read, "Being right sucks."
And "Time Magazine" - that so-called venerable truth-teller your grandparents trusted - said:
All The Simpsons Predictions That Came True | Time - Updated: June 3, 2020 2:29 PM EDT | Originally published: March 9, 2017 9:45 AM EST
"In fact, throughout its nearly 700 episodes, creator Matt Groening and his team have been so on top of the country's cultural pulse, they've even managed to predict several major historical events..."
[Note: We can only read this because it's from Australia & use of a a non-google search engine. When I searched for this "regularly" all the results were that this was "fake news". ]
"Donald Trump’s US presidency may have been sensationally predicted in an episode of The Simpsons years before it eventuated in 2016." [< they mean this year - 2024, I think]
"Now, a confronting new photo appearing to be from a past Simpsons episode shows Trump lying idle in a coffin with ‘R.I.P. Donald Trump, 1946 – 2024’ written on the casket, which has exploded in the wake of the attempted assassination on the Republican candidate at a rally in Pennsylvania July 13."
“The Simpsons prediction failed this time,” a viral tweet on X read, which has been viewed 4.3 million times as of Thursday morning."
What the heck peeps?? WTH is going on when a TV/cartoon can usually predict our reality & public events so presciently?? And curious as to why & how this 2017 prediction was foiled?? Did the DJT team know of this prediction & decide to preempt it by staging a fake version of a real deep state anti-Trump shooting plot? Makes absolute sense imo.
It's getting hard to parse deepfakes. Lioness of Judah had a post regarding a video showing two people getting shot at the same time from trajectories that were wildly inconsistent with Crook's position. I couldn't confirm it because I'd watched so many videos of the people in the crowds and I had never seen either of these two guys supposedly shot at the same time (who did not look like the three victims either). I suspect they were CGId in...
Well... yes, of course you are right... it's exceedingly difficult to detect deep fakes & hoaxes, but I remember watching many The SImpsons episodes over the years that predicted events that have happened years after the episodes aired on TV. Soooo... it's not out of the realm of possibility that Simpsons did predict a Trump shooting as they predicted his first 2016 campaign...his riding down his golden elevator in Trump Tower is ingrained in my memory from the show. It, of course, was a complete satire & parody of a Trump presidential bid that was turned into a reality. I'll see if I can find the Simpsons compilations of predictive programming that I've watched before. Stay tuned...
This Simpsons episode was already pulled after the shooting as it alludes to a presidential campaign shooting without specifying Trump. (Looking for the Trump-related episodes that were mentioned.)
> 'Simpsons' episode pulled after Donald Trump's assassination attempt - New York Post on MSN.com - 3 days ago
During one scene, Lisa stands at a podium while a law enforcement official can be seen on a rooftop, taking aim at her -- in a visual eerily similar to what happened at the Trump rally on Saturday.
[clip] "An episode of “The Simpsons” was reportedly pulled from airing on Channel 4 in the UK after a gunman shot at Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally on Saturday. The episode, “Lisa the Iconoclast,” originally aired in 1996."
what i want to know is how do you miss that big fat head and still manage to catch part of an ear?
this was obviously a hit gone awry, if the election was today or yesterday or a year ago trump would have won with more of a landslide than he did in 2020. zero reason for a frontrunner to fake an assassination attempt. paul alexander is gonna be all over this https://palexander.substack.com/p/breaking-a-source-familiar-with-trumps
I think you need another option: Assassination attempt, covert op.
Secret Service should be fired.
Joe Biden should be arrested for inciting an assassination.
He DID say on that phone call to donors: "... it's time to put Trump in a bullseye."
If that is not an executive directive - I don't know what is.
I lean towards covert Op backed. The lack of Secret Service protection on that building is the giveaway to someone turning a blind eye intentionally. It doesn't look like that difficult of an area to secure unlike say an urban area with thousands of sky rise apartments and other vantage points.
That said if a swarm of humanity which has legitimate grievances with the way things are going decided to take out figureheads there would quickly be too many shooters to guard against...
Yea…a “covert op” that was done by the government…the whole thing looks faked to me…even the photo of the ‘shooter’ you have included…looks totally like an AI generated photo. It’s like all the other ‘false flag’ BS shootings (Las Vegas) done by a ‘lone gunmen’. The total sad thing to me is that SOOO many people have once again ‘bought into’ the PsyOP BS!
Changed my mind, Amy as I now do NOT believe that it was a covert op but a Trump op. . Once you watch the video breakdowns by lots of smart truthers, you will see that this was choreographed just as if it was a magic trick...turning/pointing, large printed/graphic/visual misdirection, deliberate camera angles away from Trump's ear, lack of Trump or SS "panic", And Trump's clear directive to the SS "WAIT, Wait, wait...w/no fear for a photo op.
Clear as a blue sky day w/no clouds (or aerosol spraying/chemtrails!) to me at this point.
> TRUMP FAKE SHOOTING EXPOSED?! More Evidence Shows This Was Likely Choreographed Stage Magic/ A HOAX
Maybe secret service agents has too much Covid 19 vaccines or the sniper has too much Covid 19 vaccines! Because these vaccines does have significant neurological damage! It damages the brain big time! Many of my residents at nursing homes gone crazy after taking the Covid 19 injection! So, they’re critical thinking ability and skills has reduced .
Snipers would still have to qualify.
We’ve all suddenly forgotten Biden has dementia and can’t remember which direction to walk off stage. He doesn’t “do” anything. Whatever “orders” he may sign / give are / should be null and void due to him being non compis mentis. I’m guessing the cabal want to inflame conflict, because that’s ALWAYS what they want to do. Biden and Trump are both team cabal. The cabal like f-king with us.
Great info here. See what you think.
Yeah I dismiss anyone who pushes hard that Trump is “in the way” of the globalists. I don’t buy that for a hot second. He’s team cabal. This is so clear to me I don’t buy anyone ostensibly fighting the cabal who tries to present him as an outsider / insider taking on the baddies. No. He did not do that when he was in office. Filled his cabinet with bankers, just like Obama. Didn’t tell all of us he was being told / ordered to do Operation Warp Speed by the DOD / cabal. I knew in Feb / March 2020 that the “covid” crap was a crock of shit. I do not believe I knew more than Donald Trump. Nope. He’s on team globalist and is playing the role given to him. He’s a reality TV star and he’s great at that. He’ll sell us JPMorgan’s stable coin as the “greatest currency” and sell WWIII as the “greatest war.” We cannot unsee what we’ve seen. We cannot believe “heroes” sold to us so we abdicate our power to them. That time is over. We are the heroes we need.
Catherine Austin Fitts shreds Trump
Agree Suzanne. Trump is just playing a role (like all politicians) & is part & parcel of the globalists' billionaires club/cabal (& was also a Dim funder for all of his adult life (& friends w/DNCers like Bill, Hillary, Obama & Epstein, etc).
Don't folks remember that Trump is a Globo/Cap/Zionist & Trump's sonny Don Jr is on the record as saying that "after Gaza "they" will build luxury housing on the Gaza beachfront there". Crooks & liars, eugenicists & evil-doers, all of 'em.
"Trump, The Clintons, Jeffrey Epstein & Sex Slaves"- Lolita Express -3 years ago
exactly. One would be wise to never believe any billionaire-is-a-"victim" story.
Naw...Amy, don't agree w/your analysis here at all anymore. The alleged Trump shooting was a Trump op in order to garner massive support from reg voters & non-MAGA folks.
Do you know just how much money the Trump campaign generated from this alleged "shooting"? Holey-moley BIG bucks..
Let's analyse this alleged shooting calmly, clearly & comprehensively, okay? No bias.
> TRUMP FAKE SHOOTING EXPOSED?! More Evidence Shows This Was Likely Choreographed Stage Magic/ A HOAX - 11 hours ago
It was choreographed all right, but not by Trump team. My God - THEY HATE HIM. And he is outnumbered. Seriously... I respect Fitts, but I don't hear her explaining WHY Trump came out when he did for Warp Speed vax release. Hmmm. What could be the reason? Perhaps to completely disrupt their timeline - because their plan was to totally pull down the worldwide economy first -- THEN release the vax. The deep state wanted to lock you down for two years and THEN release the vaccines. That way there would be no chance of economic recovery -- zero. He did not let that happen. He disrupted their timeline by releasing the vaxs a year and a half early - so the lockdowns would be over. And he also NEVER mandated vaccination or masking - in fact, Trump did just the opposite. He encouraged personal medical choice. In fact he told you how HE was being treated by Zelenski - he gave you his personal protocol and encouraged people to use that and build their natural immunity. He repeatedly said "don't be afraid. Don't let Covid 19 rule your life." He posted tons of tweets about hydroxychloroquine and promoted MDs who used that and other drugs instead of vaccines. Vaccines are the cabals' plan; he just released it early to disrupt their ultimate plan of global domination and even more death.
I encourage you to think again on this subject and perhaps try looking at things through a different window -- a different perspective.
SAMO - I always look at all sides of the issues/events but because I’m not in any political party nor do I have any allegiance to particular politicians, I feel that I have a clear vision.
If you refuse to see the evidence that the “Trump shooting” was staged due to all of the factual evidence there is NOTHING I can say to convince you. You have to be open-minded to the reality that Trump, like all of them, is an actor & is playing a role. The establishment pretends to hate him & Trump pretends to hate them while following all their prescriptions & hiring all the establishment peeps for his administration, etc. He’s in on all of it.
8 months ago
Trump has generated tons of money for HIMSELF, remember, as the Repub party goes on disavowing him as their candidate. Trump Inc is Big Bucks Co. & I’ve lived in NY now for many decades so feel I have a much better & more nuanced perspective on his long NY history (he’s a Democrat thru & thru) than possibly those outside the east coast - or MAGAs - who are all mostly Trump true-believers. Believing the Trump & MSM misdirection/BS is just as bad as believing the Dims are a party of equity. :/
Posted this elsewhere too:
My instinct is w/the truther/analyst who surmised that this was a false-flag too so that they (PTB) can then "shoot Biden" to get him out of the way & claim it was a Trumper who did it. You know... to further the "inter-political- party war" & further fractionalize voters - because, as y'all should know by now, folks, we have a US LOCK-step UNI-party that is failing at their goal of continuing to play us against each other - C19/jab awakening, right? - & they're desperate. And, imo, I think Trump is a part of the cabal, too. YMMV of course but let's see how this shit-show continues to play out before us. Taking bets?? MK-Ultra shooter once again.
(Further, love this twist, Musk the deep state's wonder boy is NOW fully for Trump, so...the deep state is making their chess move as they don't like to lose & so play all sides as history reveals.)
And, finally, after the Jan6 fake MSM BS, ask yourself why you would believe anything you are told now by the MSM & politicians?? It's NOT jaded to doubt the story-lines of another clearly LIHOP event as supposedly people were reported as telling the cops about the man climbing on top of the roof w/a shotgun & pointing him out for minutes before the so-called shooting/shots & yet cops did nothing? Sounds to me like the cops stand-down at Uvalde School & many other prev false flag inconsistencies.
And the SS only reacted afterwards & their lame excuse was... the so-called shooter was outside the perimeter of the security zone? Is 410 feet "outside" when it's an overflowing Trump rally per usual?? Nope, there's something stinky in the state of false-flag-story-ville here & I can smell it a mile away. Question everything, folks, & don't fall for the "trust us this time, we're all telling you the actual truth".
I used to really like Trump.
Trump did pushed the c19 gene editing injections. He helps marketed it as safe and effective. So the whole world not just the American people was kind of encouraged to take it!
So with this action he made I kind of question where he is standing really! Because we all know the C19 gene editing injections kill millions of people around the world! A true patriot wouldn’t want his people to be silently slaughtered, wouldn’t you??
So, I don’t know. I don’t trust Trump now eithier!
My response is to ask why you think Trump would have known the make up of those so called vaccines? Also Sacha Latypova and Catherine Fitts & others have evidence that the jab as patented was not the jab distributed. If you believe the deep state act against Trump, why would you dismiss the idea that he was deliberately misled by the deep state controlled MIC?
Because he refuses to denounce the jabs or do much of anything that happened.
In addition to DWB answer , there are many medical experts close to Trump who told him that the vaccines were killing people but Trump did NOT do anything to investigate the information the other side were presenting to him! And even NOW he still didn’t change his narrative about the injections!
Exactly. The cabal like f-king with us. They run on the fuel of fear, chaos, hate, anger so need to trigger that in us on the daily. So they set us up and condition us to believe what they want us to believe when the trigger events happen (or seem to happen). We definitely should question everything. We know they run media AND social media. We know the players on stage are on team cabal or they get no stage. This looks and feels soooo set up to me, with the entirely predictable outcome from the conditioned population. This is just beyond obvious somethings not on the level. 👇
Let me just say something; life happens folks. That’s it; that’s all.
Additional good analysis of the alleged Trump shooting >
TRUMP FAKE SHOOTING EXPOSED?! More Evidence Shows This Was Likely Choreographed Stage Magic/ A HOAX - https://www.bitchute.com/video/nY2f9BmHDfMP
More links at video above:
Secret Service Agent Gives Photographer Sign to get the Scoop For Trumps's "Iconic Photoshoot"
All before the "shooting" starts, the photogragher is given the go ahead by the SS Agent, the photographer then runs around the front of the stage, completely unafraid of being shot as he knew it was all a Psyop! - https://old.bitchute.com/video/zhTA3R44pDRZ/
The most plausible explanation re/Trump "assassination attempt/Psyop" = More Division/Civil War - https://old.bitchute.com/video/XkPP2VpllXsu/
Initially heard 2 shooters?
I can’t believe how many people think it was all staged? A jaded bunch some immediately jump to
That conclusion. I’d say ask the other dead people one other than the sniper.
How does a sniper set up on a roof within view and people notice his place on roof get off shots?
I’d say secret service is not doing their jobs.
I’d say the democrats have lost in deflating trump at lawfare. Have lost the debate that was a crushing
Wakening to anyone thinking biden is remotely able
To manage a lemonade stand. Deep state democrats know they are deep trouble with failing
Candidate, and few options. Losing means jail time
Last option murder. They will try their pandemic 2.0
Ballots at 3 am but we shall see.
I think this was a real assassination attempt. God is in play. Ear is a very very close call.
Yes a real assasination attempt methinks. Now shots can be heard going off too close in succession to be the same person but I think that was the Secret Service taking out the shooter.
Where the rubber meets the road is who this guy is. My suspicion is they're going to pull people into red herrings with his identity and motives. In these turbulent times though controlling the narrative is getting very difficult. It could be a legitimate lone gunman who was sucked into TDS and perhaps hoppped up on drugs who wanted to fulfill a fantasy. It could be someone who feels Trump killed a family member with operation Warp Speed. It could be someone backed up by the Dems and traitorous SS agents paid to look the other way. If that's the case they still don't really have a plan B. Nobody does.
The Devil is wont to eat his own
Who knows now he’s dead.. the one guy on X is not the dead sniper on the substack news I saw. Plenty of reasons to kill Trump plenty to kill Biden too. This may be the HUGE EVENT scheduled for Monday the 15th Clif Hi prediction? Great takes
Amy you’re on the Ball !!!
I tend to think it was real, at least not part of the real "plan" anyway. If the hot takes are true that it was a person on the roof with a plain rifle. ABC was reporting at one point one of their contributors called it an M4 clone but even if it was a regular AR15 the scenario could have easily be he climbed up in haste and took a few shots. Probably not a pre-positioned sniper nest because there would be too many witnesses. The narrative was too confused, too chaotic to have foreknowledge of it. In any case, if it was an M4 that means a fairly short barrel (to be legal without a SBR stamp that means 14.5" plus a 1.5" flash hider) with a 5.56 cartridge. Scope or not this is pushing the limits of that rifle's accuracy and certainly would risk the bullet tumbling. Devastating but not a high probably shot. The only alternative I can think to the disjointed reporting would be a rogue agent, a turncoat Secret Service sniper for example. But such an operator would not have missed.
I'm not sure about the "would not have missed" part. As I said in my analysis I can't hit the broad side of a barn at 10 feet, so I do have respect that some training went into the shot. But there's a difference between hypothetical training simulations which can play like video games and real world I'm really killing Donald Trump scenarios in the psychology of the mind. Two of the three snipers I knew, incidentally, said they never once used their guns in an actual situation like this. They were set up for sentry duty of sorts perched on rooftops and nothing interesting ever happened.
The second thing there is a lot of the sniper shots have a target set to the head of course for a kill shot, but you're slicing a lot thinner than that at "graze the ear just so" at 410 feet...and although the sniper has been named as Matthew Crooks nothing much has emerged about his background...or if that was perhaps a made up name...
Unless they meant to miss.
Or we can ask the three plus thousand from 9/11.
Sadly the dead take their stories with them.
But the dead will still vote democrat.
Only the ones in Hell lol
Yes and they still send out mRNA signals too
Also I don’t just hold the democrats in contempt the rhinos essentially the uni party that benefits themselves by keeping the gravy train going. Trump is threatening their extra cash. Trump is running against both parties and maybe the people Can win … system seems so broken and yet it’s worth killing for.
As long you get someone else to pull the trigger. FBI will investigate like the Las Vegas shootings, hunter Biden’s lap top.
James - If you believe that everything you see is "real", what about the C19 scam-demic hoax?? A hoax sooo effective that the PTB convinced many millions world-wide to believe in it. Crazy.
Sorry, but just couldn't resist sharing this ... I subscribe to the belief that good ole Joe Cornpop is long gone, dead as a door-nail & the man playing him is NOT the real Joe Biden. Proof >
> The Ears Do Not Match The Real Joe Biden! Did They Murder Him? BackToConstitution
https://www.bitchute.com/video/MstVaLoCcZLF [listen to all the overwhelming proof given]
8 months ago
And if you go back decades & do more sleuthing, the Joe Biden who was photographed & known way back then is most def NOT today's look-alike play-pretend so-called Biden. :/
I realize that people want to believe that what they are shown on the TeeVee by the MSM is what is actually happening in the way we are told, but using critical thinking & analysis is free & critical also to our individual survival skills. If I had "believed" the C19/hoax "psyop" I might have taken a fake jab for a fake "corona flu" & then suffered health consequences or died. :/
At this point, we should, each of us, be very, very suspish of any event or MSM/public storyline. Your health, life, future, freedom, liberties & overall happiness depends on your critical analysis.
I know that’s not Joe.
Biden is dead. Then who is playing
I was told that’s not Trump either
I didn’t believe in the CV hoax
Not jabbed
Never trust pharma after working in pharma
I’m still reviewing info on Trump assassination
If it Gets him more votes
Great !!!!
Hoping the dead man and 2 critical people are not dead or critical
Assassin looks dead hope if it’s staged they are crisis actors and all ok.
I realize most is staged
Okay, James.
Guess we're mostly on the same page & think that I misunderstood this part of your comment at top when you seemed to be upset with folks being jaded over the so-called shooting attempt/so-called assassination attempt on Trump >
James: "I can’t believe how many people think it was all staged? A jaded bunch some immediately jump to
That conclusion. I’d say ask the other dead people one other than the sniper."
It seemed to me that you were believing the MSM version of what happened at the Trump rally & I know by now that most of these public "gun events" are not only scripted but there are stand-downs, such as at the Uvalde School w/the local cops &, in this case, w/the SS agents who allegedly ignored the people in the crowd pointing at the "shooter-man climbing onto the roof w/the gun". Feel as if I should say "alleged" after every MSM story point, don't you? ;-)
Anyway, sorry if I was heavy-handed in my comment to you as my intent was only to suggest we should all question everything all the time & not be binary thinkers. haha
oh, and p.s. Whether Trump wins or not seems irrelevant to me as he is also one of the elites/cabal who are screwing us over endlessly although admittedly very "creatively". Trump's history & inclinations & all of his life choices/habits do NOT make him a friend or defender of the "common folks" by any means. Both he & his kids - & his father before him - are/were slum lords & crony capitalists.
Why would anyone vote for either of the UNI-party's selected "choices" for yes-man go-fer as all US political leaders are selected to support the evil-bad guys? This is the real mystery to me re: the partisan back & forth in the present USofA.
I’m still looking at this assassination…
Fake maybe ?
Still think it’s real
Staged think it’s staged.
Inside hit job.
I try to see multiple sides at same time
If it is real then deep state is
Extremely threatened.
Leaning this way.
Not just going to say fake
Strange the assassin got off 8 shots before getting shot
Sniper said he was not to shoot assassin?
That makes no sense
Since here’s the thing most everyone hates Trump
Press, politicians, people that own the world
In this that’s why I like him
He is challenging the oppressive state that is and has run us since birth.
Idk if that makes sense
I’m not ready to say this was fake psyops
Who does it serve Trump!!
I’ll entertain conversations
It’s good to find out what others think
We are 12 blind around an elephant.
I don't THINK it was staged, James, I can SEE that it was staged by the way it played out.
Question really is...why can't everyone else see it too? Trump & SS are playing out a scene.
Just posted this comment at a restack I made:
Matthew asks (regarding a staged shooting psyop & its complete impossibility because…well, cuz…):
“In what parallel universe could this conspiracy work? No one, not even the world’s best sniper—or Putin himself—could guarantee to hit just an ear and not the brain of a head that is moving, at any distance.”
Guess Matthew doesn’t go to movies or watch any violent TV shows where staged shootings are de rigueur (or necessary/expected) per the story plots & special effects are, well…oh, so very convincing. Blood & guts are shown but it’s NOT real life, so, yeah, a parallel “fake bloody ear” is quite possible.
And my comment here on another restack of this same article >
Yeah, that photo op… “WAIT, Wait, wait” from Trump to the SS “guarding him” as he stands up, shakes his fist & mouths “Fight” several times. How many times did they practice that scene before the real life take? The flag overhead is a brilliant touch.
As the old Joe (not the new, decrepit, imposter Joe) was want to say, derisively, “C’mon, man, you really expect us to believe that complete BS yor selling?”
Everyone can surely see thru this staged drama-dy if they only open up their minds & eyes & THINK.
James, do see the other tip-offs including that there was no panic in Trump, his SS & the entire friggin crowd (who calmly waited in their seats after their hero was SHOT?!) Huh?!? WHUT?
Actually I watched the crowd they flinched. I think we see what we want to see.
Who gains by this?
This is a Trump colluding with the SS WHO IS managed by democrats?
I’m quite surprised people are cynical right away.
I knew 911 was fake immediately.
This I don’t get it.
I don’t get 20 yr old kid
Who is a bad shot get on roof
That someone ought to be guarding
Shot 8 shots
Explain who is to gain if deep state is behind this bc Trump is threatening deep state?
Why would they go to this effort and not kill him why not a professional sharp shooter?
I’ll check out your links
I’d say either a planned close call, or planned assassination.
I think the guy on the roof was a plant. Good chance the visor-hair combo guy was a plant, too.
I think the shooter was on the opposite side of Trump. I’m saying this after seeing photos from NYT (if they’re in chronological order) and legit.
So what now? Chaos is a given. Probably saying Trump isn’t fit to run, and pull some ‘neurological’ issue bs. Also, Trump’s fist/fight gig could be considered a call for insurrection by the left. And of course the guns are bad narrative.
I think Trump will be president. And being he’s the pandemic president, we can get ready for the bird flu vaccine season.
I'm not sure that the Pandemic 2.0 redux dog and pony show will work as well this time. Then again they're trying to fear monger the far right with all of the measles cases in New York City migrant shelters (the hated "antivaxxers" for MAGA types). It sounds too steered by pro jab people but I'm still amazed at how people can fall for it on tribal lines...
They’re aiming for WWIII (again / still) and who better than “tough guy” Trump for that role? And the bird flu scam bonus round. Ugh. We’ve really got a lot of waking up still to do.
So, if Trump was guilty of "starting an insurrection" because of statements made about marching to the Capitol peacefully, etc., what might these people be guilty of?
(Having "a killer sense of humor", perhaps?)
Joe Biden on 7.8.2024: "We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye." pic.twitter.com/K5FeeijDuC
— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 13, 2024
Just yesterday, Joe Biden mega-donor @reidhoffman was making jokes about assassinating Donald Trump. pic.twitter.com/sMXbUq1O8a
— Andrew Surabian (@Surabees) July 13, 2024
A field director for Congressman @BennieGThompson (who headed the Jan. 6th Commission & recently proposed legislation to remove Trump’s Secret Service detail), wishing Trump’s assassin had better aim on social media. pic.twitter.com/vQTptynYBK
— Russ Latino (@RussLatino) July 14, 2024
Pretty much echo my thoughts on this. How did the shooter know the roof would be clear? Lots and lots of questions, but I'm glad that Trump is ok -- terrible that somebody else at the rally was killed, though.
Yes indeed and one other was seriously injured...
Well...allegedly, you know. Only time & investigations will uncover the truth of this narrative. :/
Lots of hot takes out there. Hard to know what to believe. A few things stand out though;
-How was the shooter able to get that close? I've heard distances between 150 yards and 410. One person on Telegram says that he measured it as 180 or something on Google Earth...
-Why did the local police take so long to do anything after witnesses told them that a guy with a rifle was climbing around on the nearby roofs?
-Why did the SS sniper wait until the shooter took his shots before taking him out?
I can't seem to access telegram but make sure you are converting from metric system as needed. 125 meters is about 410 feet. Some might be hot takes and estimates from military types all over the world. Any secret service securing a large rally for a former president should and would have had the entire area mapped out for these types of threats...
SS should have been on every roof.
You nailed it there. There aren't even that many roofs to be on...
Finally catching up on the Trump reportage today.
The feeling I'm getting is a covert operation. The Secret Service's lack of preparation and failure of all police personnel to attend to a visible gunman climbing "bear style" is damning. Perhaps a kid who was recruited because he had an impressive sniper shot, and they may well have promised him that no one would shoot back...but he would go to jail.
Trump is a player as they all are (including Kennedy). A different faction in the family backs him...that's all. The NWO Family has factions, and they don't play nice with one another. Of course, no news will be forthcoming from either FBI or SS just baloney like they normally do now. As someone else mentioned, just like the LV shooting. Nothing will be revealed, and nothing will add up.
If you think it’s staged let’s find out. Let me pop one off near your fucking face. Even if it is a .22 don’t fret just means your brain will rattle more hahaha.
Not taking to you Amy lol. Taking to anyone who wants to go there 😉
Exactly. As I commented on Sage Hana's substack, about the only thing I can rule out is Trump going up to a sniper and saying "Hey Lenny how good is your shot? If I turn my face and you just clip me in the ear it'll be Yuge!"
I think Trump had a guardian angel on his shoulder this morning.
This assassination attempt certainly has upped the Ante.
I hope that Americans now realize what is at stake and how the deep state will stop at nothing to realize their goals of complete domination!
Trump and Kennedy both need to increase their security.
I think the government was involved in this assassination attempt. Whether the encouraged this shooter and let it happen or the shooter was a government asset, I have no idea. I do think that Trumps SS team was in on it. I read after it happened, the SS contracts out the perimeter type security. I don’t know if that’s true.
I meant to say that I do NOT think Trump’s Secret Service detail was in on this attempt on Trump’s life.
Amy - Very interesting take on “this” several days later - altho post is on a satire/memes page so doesn’t go into “Is it live or is it memorex aka fake” angles directly.
> Jul 18, 2024 - BANANA REPUBLICsteria: Best Woke Secret Services Don't Do Sloped Roofs Memes - Let's play slopes & ladders, get your stop a FED ramp today, FEDs have a bad history with sloped roofs (Waco), every legend has their weakness & more woke Secret Service don't do slopped roofs memes!
The put options on $DJT is very interesting info imo & of course shows foreknowledge. Could Trump or GOPers have made “puts” rather than the Dims/Libs/establishment? WTH knows??
Does anyone out there fully understand or can explain the “DJT put options” as the very same deal happened in the 911 false-flag w/airplane et al put options on their stocks? Somebodies made big $bank$ on 911. And pls remember all of the predictive programming - The Simpsons in particular - of all of our major US-related false-flag events. Goes way beyond coincidency ... unless one is brain-dead.
Posting these from my saved files so hope they are still available. Yep, 30 times peeps! >
'September 28, 2018 - "The Simpsons': 30 Times the Fox Comedy Successfully Predicted Future ...Hollywood Reporter
"In honor of The Simpsons' 30th season (premiering Sept. 30), The Hollywood Reporter has culled together 30 episodes, plotlines and throwaway jokes that came to fruition in our three-dimensional world. So kick back in your Spinemelter 2000, grab your glass of Skittlebrau or Malk and enjoy!"
> "Lisa Simpson calls Donald Trump Presidency, Increased Debt"
The Donald Trump presidency (Season 11, Episode 17: "Bart to the Future")
"Let's start with the most widely circulated prediction. The second time The Simpsons took a peek into the future, Lisa has become president of the United States. In a cabinet meeting, she offhandedly mentions, "We inherited quite the budget crunch from President Trump." It initially was a reference to Trump attempting a run as a Reform Party candidate. But the words gained much more validity when Trump was elected president in 2016. The week after the election, the recurring chalkboard gag even read, "Being right sucks."
And "Time Magazine" - that so-called venerable truth-teller your grandparents trusted - said:
All The Simpsons Predictions That Came True | Time - Updated: June 3, 2020 2:29 PM EDT | Originally published: March 9, 2017 9:45 AM EST
"In fact, throughout its nearly 700 episodes, creator Matt Groening and his team have been so on top of the country's cultural pulse, they've even managed to predict several major historical events..."
See: "Truth behind viral The Simpsons [episode] photo of Donald Trump amid assassination attempt" - "The Simpsons’ longtime producer has responded to fans after a photo of Donald Trump exploded on social media in the wake of the assassination attempt. - Couriermail -1day ago - https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/truth-behind-viral-the-simpsons-photo-of-donald-trump-amid-assassination-attempt/news-story/c28ce102fb44d507f161d4cfd906bd4f
[Note: We can only read this because it's from Australia & use of a a non-google search engine. When I searched for this "regularly" all the results were that this was "fake news". ]
"Donald Trump’s US presidency may have been sensationally predicted in an episode of The Simpsons years before it eventuated in 2016." [< they mean this year - 2024, I think]
"Now, a confronting new photo appearing to be from a past Simpsons episode shows Trump lying idle in a coffin with ‘R.I.P. Donald Trump, 1946 – 2024’ written on the casket, which has exploded in the wake of the attempted assassination on the Republican candidate at a rally in Pennsylvania July 13."
“The Simpsons prediction failed this time,” a viral tweet on X read, which has been viewed 4.3 million times as of Thursday morning."
What the heck peeps?? WTH is going on when a TV/cartoon can usually predict our reality & public events so presciently?? And curious as to why & how this 2017 prediction was foiled?? Did the DJT team know of this prediction & decide to preempt it by staging a fake version of a real deep state anti-Trump shooting plot? Makes absolute sense imo.
It's getting hard to parse deepfakes. Lioness of Judah had a post regarding a video showing two people getting shot at the same time from trajectories that were wildly inconsistent with Crook's position. I couldn't confirm it because I'd watched so many videos of the people in the crowds and I had never seen either of these two guys supposedly shot at the same time (who did not look like the three victims either). I suspect they were CGId in...
fyi Fw: BONUS > The Simpsons predicts the massive propaganda around [C19] shot injections ... predictive programming.
This is season 15, episode 21, which aired on 5/16/2004.
The 💉Death Prick💉 Episode of The Simpsons
This one is super-cringe as the Doctor stalks Bart around town in order to "jab" him. :/
Well... yes, of course you are right... it's exceedingly difficult to detect deep fakes & hoaxes, but I remember watching many The SImpsons episodes over the years that predicted events that have happened years after the episodes aired on TV. Soooo... it's not out of the realm of possibility that Simpsons did predict a Trump shooting as they predicted his first 2016 campaign...his riding down his golden elevator in Trump Tower is ingrained in my memory from the show. It, of course, was a complete satire & parody of a Trump presidential bid that was turned into a reality. I'll see if I can find the Simpsons compilations of predictive programming that I've watched before. Stay tuned...
This Simpsons episode was already pulled after the shooting as it alludes to a presidential campaign shooting without specifying Trump. (Looking for the Trump-related episodes that were mentioned.)
> 'Simpsons' episode pulled after Donald Trump's assassination attempt - New York Post on MSN.com - 3 days ago
During one scene, Lisa stands at a podium while a law enforcement official can be seen on a rooftop, taking aim at her -- in a visual eerily similar to what happened at the Trump rally on Saturday.
[clip] "An episode of “The Simpsons” was reportedly pulled from airing on Channel 4 in the UK after a gunman shot at Donald Trump at a Pennsylvania campaign rally on Saturday. The episode, “Lisa the Iconoclast,” originally aired in 1996."
Yeah, this makes sense if the SS & DS were actually gonna kill Trump. Get it all on camera 4 the peeps.
what i want to know is how do you miss that big fat head and still manage to catch part of an ear?
this was obviously a hit gone awry, if the election was today or yesterday or a year ago trump would have won with more of a landslide than he did in 2020. zero reason for a frontrunner to fake an assassination attempt. paul alexander is gonna be all over this https://palexander.substack.com/p/breaking-a-source-familiar-with-trumps
I meant to say, that I don’t think Trump’s personal SS detail was in on it.
I disagree.
NYPost has a name.
Guy lives a couple of miles from me and local TV is silent.