In this time of questioning everything, religion should not be exempt.

Thanks Amy.

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Something which occured to me in reading through your DEW article is that the so called Flat Earth theory has gained the greatest traction with Christian fundamentalists. They tend to rely on a lot of Biblical quotes about firmament and the like. There's also sects of Christians such as Jehovah's Witnesses that believe any study of say astrology is the Devil's work. I think this is somewhat intentional from banned books such as the book of Enoch to obscure the Biblical connection. To me ignore the satellites in the atmosphere and the geomagnetic field at your own peril...

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A few of those folks comment on my stack. Next time I'm going to ask them to fly a plane to the edge of the world and take a photo of it and post it online. Doing so would settle all arguments. Probably wont get any takers:)

I explained to one guy in particular that the firmament has several different translations. The one I've always gone with is the asteroid belt.

Books began to be banned from the Bible in 324 ad when Constantines Council of Nicaea kept many books from being included in the Bible that didn't fit their preferred narrative. Like all of the somewhat mystical 'gnostic' gospels. The Gospel of Thomas is a good one.

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I'll have to check out the gospel of Thomas. Right now I'm reading some interesting stuff from a geophysicist and Biblical creationist about carbon dating. The Big Bang theory never really worked for me regardless of how old the Earth and the Universe and people are because it defaults to something coming out of nothing ie with no creative spark or drive. This always seemed self defeating and nonsensical. But I don't undestand why God wouldn't have made the Earth roughly spherical and interconnected with the rest of the Universe. What's offensive about that?

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Nothing that I can see. But it likely doesn't fit some sort of preconcieved control narrative. Right now I'm too tired (way past my bedtime) to grasp what that might be.

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May 25Liked by Amy Sukwan

No time to research so just committing crimes!

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I should start brewing wine again. I'll call it Two Felonies after a dream I had...

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Question everything, believe none.

I believe that's a self-defeating prophecy.

Go with what you believe in your heart.

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"The world feels like one gigantic crime scene."

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May 25Liked by Amy Sukwan

Love the Reptilian Risk party!!

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How about we all stop wasting our time on the WHO, an irrelevant pimple on the ass of the UN, which is the real beast: the WHO is merely ​one of its ​many stalking horse​s.

After all, if we were to leave the WHO tomorrow, Agenda 2030, the Great Reset, the Digital Gulag and all of the other horrifying assaults on humanity would still be solidly in place.

The UN beast has many tentacles but there it is​: the​ UN Death Machine that must be defeated if humanity has a chance to survive. . All of our sufferings are managed through, created by. and implemented via the UN, which is simply a country club - a group of unelected nobodies.

Right now the US Congress has before it the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/ S 3428). You can read the Act at that link and take action to support it there.

Once this bill is passed with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office veto, the US will exit the UN, WHO, WTO and all other organizations and obligations of this disastrous machine, eliminating the threat os Agenda 2030, the Pandemic Treaty, the International Health Regulations, One Health, 15 Minute Cities, UNDRIP, etc.

If you truly care about the survival of humanity, you will reach out to your circle of influence, readers and followers and urge them in the strongest possible terms to support this bill by taking action here, https://PreventGenocide2030.org and sharing this link with great urgency with everyone they can reach.

The UN Death Machine is set to consolidate its global power with the utterly cataclysmic Pact for the Future on September 23, 2024, after which there will, quite literally, be no chance of withdrawing from anything ever again.

If you would like to reach out to me for further information, please feel free to do so. My email is Dr.Rima@NaturalSolutionsFoundation.com. If you would like to ask me to appear on your show, podcast, forum, symposium or other venue where this message can be shared, the answer is, "Absolutely yes".

We are facing an enemy more well-organized and pernicious, and more comprehensively brilliant, than any in humanity's history. They have laid these pits of destruction for us for more than 140 years and they are just about to spring the final traps.

Are we really going to let them while we focus on secondary issues, each of which is urgently important, but none of which is the root of the problem.

The root of the problem, the cancer, the source of the rot, is the UN Death Machine.

By the way, at the same link, PreventGenocide2030.org, you will find a legal memo making it clear that the UN, like every other country in the world, is NOT in a treaty obligation with the UN, WHO or any other part of the UN system since treaties only exist between sovereign nations, which the UN is not and never can be.

Thus, all obligations to them are based in fraud and thus null and void.

And we MUST get out of the UN Death Machine before it destroys everything in its path, including humanity.

​Please help. Massive public pressure will pass this bill. Nothing else will.

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