Over 10K enrollees were "excluded" (and never followed up on) from the trials AFTER they'd received one or more jabs, and their data never appeared in the final report. It was at this point these people were no longer considered "participants".

In the final report, they placed a red herring statement that said "Of the participants" only a tiny % had been excluded. The final report did NOT mention the over 10K people who WERE jabbed and dropped out of the trials. Once they moved a person over to the earlier exclusion list, they were no longer considered to be "participants" even though they HAD been jabbed. It was just a word salad game.

But I found the earlier exclusion lists HIDDEN amongst 1,000s of documents in their "find the banana in the picture game" when they were forced to release the data. The links are in my story below.

SEE: https://ghostofjfk.substack.com/p/pfizer-data

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I remember linking to that one it was great work. What fascinates me is a slam dunk case for fraud could be shown by having badly injured trial participants or surviving relatives come forward much as Maddie de Garay's did, linking back who they were in the trial and showing what Pfizer etc al did with them in the analysis. In the small children's trial especially it would move the needle.

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Merck's lead attorney on the Vioxx case, Kenneth C. Frazier, was promoted to CEO of Merck after the settlement -- because he did such a good job of keeping the number low. Then, as CEO, Frazier pushed Merck's HPV vaccine -- and many people joked that "HPV" stands for Help Pay for Vioxx (because having this new billion dollar vaccine helped saved the company from bankruptcy). Frazier retired in 2021 but continues as the Executive Chairman of Merck’s board of directors. That's how f'ed up everything is.

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It's a blatant revolving door now. Now there's a 26 billion settlement over the opioid crisis I think $5 billion got levied against J&J. Corruption is the business model.

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Great info! That makes sense because the cost of 2 HPV jabs without insurance is around $600. If they think you need 3 jabs, then $900. Thankfully, I'm using Christian Healthcare Ministries which will not pay for ANY jabs so my physician has no financial incentive to jab me.

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Be glad! Unless I’m

mistaken, THAT is the jab that “safely & effectively” renders girl’s as young as 12 into early (I’LL SAY!) menopause and infertilty. For a disease that is easily cured, and rarely ever hits until mid forties, or so.

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The incestuous relationship between the FDA and big pharma breeds a level of conflict of interest (really corruption) that undermines the credibility of the both. I had a coworker who said in the beginning of 2021 that, while we can't trust big pharma, those who work at the FDA "have integrity". No, they do not! They may, in fact, be more corrupt than those in big pharma because they have a responsibility to protect the public (while big pharma does not have this responsibility).

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The entire set of alphabet groups, big pHARMa, Anthony “I AM the science” Fauci, his wife, etc. is a grotesquely incestuous blob, in a phone booth sized community. It seems like we could do something —- pull on just the right thread and JENGA! Doesn’t it?

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Besides Maddie DeGarry?s (sorry for spelling) illness, debilitating, and and now the poor 4 yr old boy who just died, from an RSV, a jab poster boy at that. Imagine how the parents now feel, and the wave of utter anger that is slowly cresting throughout every single parent of school age children who are now damaged. No words can suffice.

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The weak link may be the authors (pharmaceutical employees) of the fraudulent papers written in the scientific/medical journals. If they are sued personally for "damages" as a result of the use of the vaccine based on their papers, they will likely spill the beans very quickly to protect their own skin.

Fauci, it appears, will be called by the Republican-controlled House to testify about his involvement in all stages "COVID". It would not surprise me if he were to die suddenly (like Ken Lay of Enron). Fauci knows too much of the illegal activity of those around him, particularly the military-industrial complex of which Eisenhower warned us in the late 1950s.

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I agree. There are outright fraudulent papers out there anyone who put their name on it should be scrutinized. The big guys funding them will say well we didn't know they were engaged in unethical things but it is a pressure point.

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The excess cardiovascular risk for Vioxx (Merck) and Bextra (another Pfizer product) is going to pale in comparison to the excess cardiovascular risk (both short and long term) with the lipid nanoparticles and mRNA-based vaccines.

Even if federal liability protection prevents federal lawsuits despite willful acts of fraud (such as the falsification of clinical trial results), states generally have laws against unfair trade practices which specifically prohibit "unfair or deceptive acts".

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The only person I know of that was in one of the trials - J&J - was the daughter of Glenn Reynolds of the Instapundit blog. I don't really read the site anymore, but I assume he would say something if she had serious problems. He says she "barely felt anything" from the injection.


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I assume most jabbed people are okay and hope they remain that way. From a big picture analysis this product was useless and dangerous and they knew it...

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Just looked and it says the newest comment was May 2021. He said his daughter was fine, but who knows, now?

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