I saw a very funny comment on some social media thing somewhere:

Trump is governing like a man who has been shot, indicted, investigated, and impeached and has no fucks left to give.

It's glorious.

I totally agree. IT IS GLORIOUS.

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Amen to all that. It is quite a show and my prayers are that it remains largely on the side of sane and good. I do have deeper concerns about financial impacts, but since money is a made up concept to begin with…

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Dang! Now you tell me. No wonder I’m broke…

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The feel is different. Common sense is winning. Some victories. Year of the snake eating it’s tail seem very accurate. God Bless Amy🙏

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I'm cautiously optimistic but Trump is making a show of it. Some of the more pessimistic memers are going to take some time to find their own footing in this methinks.I'll keep plugging along God willing...

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God bless Amy, indeed!

Another great set, Amy!

So many good ones. And yes - I DO think it's weird that Epstein had a painting of a smiling Bush sitting cross-legged on the floor with two paper airplanes and two piles of tower parts (blocks). Creepy.

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He fooled a lot of people during his 4 years.

Never trust a Skull & Bones member.

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I just recently saw that meme somewhere else. I think I had forgotten about it (the painting) which is unlike me. That is a crazy image and certainly makes him look guilty AF.

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I don't think it was a meme; it's a portrait. Similar to the same type of portrait of Clinton with the dress. The subjects don't POSE for those photos. They are commissioned portraits - similar to how authors write fiction to tell the truth.

Shall we call them "artistic victims"? Let's not - it might elicit some sort of sympathy for them - which they do not deserve.

PS: He IS guilty AF.

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I was wondering if it was definitely legit and not just a meme. Sounds like you are confident that it is. That’s a crazy pic, wow! Epstein and his dancing Israeli buddies made it happen.

I don’t see GW having the stomach for it but wth do I know about him? Apparently not much lol. I can’t believe anyone would allow that to happen smh.

Ron Unz has some interesting stuff on 9/11. He is well documented and sourced writer. He mentioned 200 (I think) Mossad agents were picked up who seemed to be in town around the same time.

Ron also had an amazing write up (April 2024) of his complication on the origins of Covid. He surmised we hit the Chinese with a bio weapon in 2017/18 wiping out 40% of their pork. He thought the Wuhan lab was just a cover all along. He made a convincing case out .mil/cia released it on the military games in China.

I could probably find that one for you if you’re interested. It’s a long ass read. Gave me néw perspective tho.

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Hey SAMO here’s the piece on 9-11 from Ron Unz i mentioned. I hope Amy sees this. I am pretty certain I sent it to her. Hard to get people to read it because it’s so long. I think you can listen to him read it tho. Gave me new found appreciation for the games our government plays.

Amy if you have time please read/listen. This is right up your alley!


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As I recall, Bush Jr was being interviewed and was asked: Are you a "born-again believer"? To which he answered something like: Yes, I have been born again. But whereas the interviewer was asking are you a Christian, one who believes Jesus is the Word incarnate, and have you put your faith in Him as Savior and Lord, Bush Jr was answering in the strict literal way in which he could side-step the real question. His "yes" answer referred to a ritual that Skull & Bones members go through where they literally arise out of a casket - and they call that being "born again." I remember it because at the time I had been doing some reading and research into Skull & Bones secret society and some of their known rituals - and that was one of them. And I wondered - who does the research for these newsmen? I was expecting a follow-up question that never came.

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Another Thai-based substacker:


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Of course we don't agree on everything Amy, but I'm glad you appreciate Sowellfood. ;-)

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LOL I don’t agree with everyone on everything and nor should anyone else. But I have enough Thomas Sowell quotes that I have to number them. ;-)

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Such a wonderful writer you are! Thank you for the song. I have tears in my eyes.

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I have been listening to KLove a Christian radio station exclusively while driving around Las Vegas lately. I usually flip stations every few days from Country to Classical to Classic Rock but this one is ad free, uplifting and apolitical. My first good sign came when they exclusively honored Martin Luther King on Trump’s Inaguaration day without even mentioning the Donald one single time. I’ve picked up a few nice songs from this station glad you liked it!

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Loved the song. Good cymatics:) Children as flowers... ?

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I never considered it about children directly but the analogy works…

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Regarding the Executive Orders, as I'm sure you know, most of them are flagrantly unConstitutional, as they were supposed to apply exclusively to the executive branch.

Of course, most presidents have abused the power in a graphic manner that sadly shocks nobody. Hey, let's stick it to the jerks who stuck it to us last time, yeah that's the ticket.

I have to wonder ... in four years when yet another monarch comes along and Reverses all these Reversals, will the people finally get Hip to the Hustle? Or will they just whine and wait in line to Vote Harder in the next "hotly contested election." Hold your fire, I'm just the messenger! 😅

~~ j ~~

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I agree regarding executive orders. Somehow they quietly morphed from this backdoor obscure thing into a full blown public spectacle befitting of a king. One has to ponder when people stop listening to them and return to demanding Constitutional things like checks and balances and votes in Congress. Perhaps we’re too far gone to remember that stuff.

That said I have largely been enjoying the cynical mockery Trump is making through them. It’s straight parody and I have no doubt there’s humor to mine here. Perhaps liberals will eventually find their funny bone again…

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Too far gone for sure Amy, especially when you consider that "checks and balances" were little more than a bill of goods (bill of rights anyone?) cleverly designed to camouflage, consolidate and centralize power in the hands of the special few.

How has that worked out for them? Swimmingly, some would say ... especially if you stop to taste the pudding, wherein the proof resides.

Gotta agree regarding orange mockery ... it's entertaining at the very least. Some say his top skill is name calling and nicknaming, which is evidently not a bad one to have!

As for liberals finding their funny bone, there's a joke about a camel and a needle in here somewhere ... if I only had the skills ...

~~ j ~~

#Texit (because you cannot vote your way out of it)

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Executive orders is how you make change happen. Think about how long we’ve had to endure being told all that is wrong with society is good and all that is right is bad. Decades. Finally he comes up with an executive order that says “ you can’t discriminate based on all the things you discriminate on. “ Name it. It’s all in there everywhere. He just killed it. Let’s see what happens after these blue haired harpies are no longer prime employees. Bet they stop being blue haired harpies. And this particular order doesn’t need legislation. It’s already been legislatively required since 1779. See?

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Yep, that's how you make change happen. And the next monarch will make change happen in the other direction ... and the beat goes on ...

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There’s a saying regarding being careful of making rules that will then be used against you once your enemies are in power which comes to mind here…

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I like a president who acts like the chief law enforcement officer. Handy, having a constitution requiring it.

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The realist in me believes Trump was the cabals' best bet for establishing the digi gulag. Trump seems to be making that same face as the 'smiling' mask of Greek tragedyl; almost a grimace. He is beholden to the Rothschild family for previous financial bailouts.

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I concur but I sense that they felt backed up against a wall even more than I expected them to be. The dropping of the consent of the majority does make things a great deal more difficult for them methinks...

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I wonder if the 'they' are individuals with many relatives they care about. I would suppose so. I just wonder too if the relatives who didn't get the memo, got the jabs and now the cabal is perhaps......having this effect them. 'They' admittedly a motley non-crew, enabled by the misguided's. I think hero worship is somehow related to vaccine worship, they are essentially the same idea.

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He’s beholden to no one but the American people. That’s what you tds sufferers hate, apparently.

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“Having to pay people $2 million per month to protect you from other people killing you is not a sign of having lived a good life.”


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What do I think?

I think I wish I had found your private industry with the performance incentives instead of working for corporate numbskulls all my life.

Everything that my coworkers and I were able to do right we did in spite of our management, at six different factories in four different companies, over a span of thirty-one years.

I never worked for anyone above direct supervision whose whole corporate being was not focused on detecting and eliminating group cooperation and friendly mutual assistance in all its forms. Not but once, that is.

Had a plant manager at a startup in the Carolina backwoods who had come up through the machine shop long before and proven able to get traction on giant projects by getting folks to buy in. He was shortly replaced by yet another obliviously arrogant Ivy League MBA with the soft weak hands of someone who has never done any work. His replacement was not for any good business reason either; pure internecine political warfare.

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Your most killerest memes in a while. Welcome back : )

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Recently saw a woman on X who described her experience working for the Army Corp of Engineers. Everything you said and worse!

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Ya got me with Thomas sowell!

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Didn't Trump eliminate the Covid jab for legally entering immigrants?

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I’m wondering. I thought he did.

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Yes he did drop the Covid jabs..

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They had been mandated?

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Yes Trump did but it might have come too late to impact our case as the visa was denied four weeks ago for refusing jabs in the waning days of the Biden Admin…

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Good song! Have a friend going through a rough patch so I emailed him the tune...

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That song has such a simple heartfelt beauty to it. I hope your friend feels better. :-)

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Cool story about your work. I thought you were initially going to say you had to report them. That could’ve led to some dangerous situations.

I understand Trump I guess better than most for some reason. We share similarities but money is NOT one of them haha. That’s why I was pretty certain he deserved a pass for Trump 1.0 SAMO hit it out of the park with his first comment.

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