Well sadly in any CVS store you go into where I live in SoCA there is a big sign and a table at the front advertising “COVID Vaccines Available Here”! And I think they are free. And the CDC is advising that babies under 9 months old get three COVID shots!

The murders continue on here in the ole’ US of A!

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Sep 9Liked by Amy Sukwan

They are free......*for most insurance plans. Haha thankfully I'm not on health insurance and use Christian Healthcare Ministries which has reimbursed me for 1 procedure and 1 operation but will not reimburse for any jabs. Yay!

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Yep #3 for me too but I think that's pretty much a guy thing, or at least an American, especially an Alaskan guy thing, it's hard, often impossible asking for help.

The other side of it though, we're always willing to offer help (& gratefully accept help when offered.); a rig off on the side of the road, minus forty degree temperature, we always stop and ask is there a problem & if so, is there anything we can do to help.

On dysfunctional, totalitarian government; I find myself very often (Just five minutes ago, in fact.) lately posting/noting this; "The only way to deal with and unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." Albert Camus

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Sep 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

It’s easy to say that I will never take the jab, because I have never been faced with devastating consequences for refusal. Do what you can to avoid the needle and don’t worry too far down the road.

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Cosmic connection here.

Last night I had 2 dreams about some friends who were drug dealers back in the 70's and 80's. In my dreams they were involved in dealing the white powder that was popular back then. In the first dream I beat the face of one of the guy's to a bloody pulp. In real life, he spent time in prison for dealing that white powder.

In the second dream I pointed to an old girlfriend as a source of knowledge about the dark nature of drugs. In real life she lost a brother to a heroin overdose.

If we go with the long held belief (by Cayce and old cultures) that every character in our dreams are aspects of their personalities that we have adopted from them, then my beating up of the drug dealer guy (back when he was still alive he lived just down the road from me) would be me trying to kill off an aspect of my personality that I never liked.

To this day I still consider that old girlfriend as one of my greatest teachers. She appears often in my dreams.

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Confession, so in most instances when someone starts telling me about a dream they’ve had in detail I retreat to a happy place somewhere between a secret meadow in Kings Canyon or a simple blank white dry erase board.

And yet this one pulled me in to the end Amy.

Nudged me even today to pray at Mass for an intercession of St. Christopher to guide your safe and swift passage.

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LOL a long time ago after I wrote Travels With Nemo, a friend of my then boyfriend Joe ridiculed me about opening the book with a dream I had. "When some chick starts telling me about some dream she had at a party or something, I just walk away and blank out." In retrospect it was the best way to open the series but your confession is valid so thanks for reading! I'll take any prayers that I canthe whole world needs them.

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We wouldn’t need them if the whole entirety of the world learned how to pray. I have my own faith formation but all streams lead to His big ocean. The one that you dream at night about and from the wake of day… all day. The one He wills you as a mother and dutiful wife to cross.

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Sep 9Liked by Amy Sukwan

My SIL has also been getting jerked around on a VISA - process has taken far too long. Requested a religious exemption to covid vaccination on the first attempt and was turned down. Decided to submit again (round 2), spending more fees $$ all over agin - but this time he decided out of frustration to get jabbed. Went the Novavax route this time (it wasn't available as an option during the round 1 attempt). Only requires 1 shot - not 2 like Pfizer and Moderna. So far, no adverse effects, so hoping we dodged a bullet. Now awaiting the VISA process to play out again....

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It's a nightmare all around. Novovax was not ever given as an option for Ka they only had Pfizer. Part of my problem is an aspect of belief though: even if I was absolutely assured somehow that my husband was getting, say, a saline shot instead, it would still mark a betrayal of sacred values that would produce a negative psychological effect. Plus there's still the 10 or so other vaccines to contend with on the list. That said good luck with the visa process. It's hell.

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Sep 9Liked by Amy Sukwan

That James LINDSEY talk about the Policy of Compliance is a very powerful eye-opener! Simple but so absolutely true. It deserves to be shared far and wide, and for many people it will be a very worthwhile 15 minutes they will spend watching it and realizing how it applies to them. And when they embrace it, that small mustard seed can grow in them and become a true life-director.

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I really enjoyed that one It's so simple and obvious but is rarely explained in that way, how the tyrants get the people fighting with the people instead of against them who created the horrific conditions. I saw this a lot among Covid true believers especially in 2021: us nonjabbed no masked people were the reason everybody else couldn't go back to normal! They sacrificed their bodies and possibly their lives and they needed to project that negative energy somewhere so there was a visceral hatred of those of us who were "holding them back." The psychology of totalitarianism...

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Whoa. What new shitfuckery is this?

Singapore looks…



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Sep 9Liked by Amy Sukwan

Liked for "shitfuckery."

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Sep 14Liked by Amy Sukwan

You did awwweeeesssommmee today !! Thank ya.

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LOL disregard my previous comment I am getting my days mixed up!

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Thanks! As a disclaimer though only the first two memes were mine. Perhaps I'll stick with drawing and painting things out only and steal and share the rest from elsewhere...

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I love everything you put out on Substack. :)

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"public ritual humiliation" Amy no wonder you hated the muzzle

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I am sure that that was part of it, absolutely. Probably my most visceral hatred of facemasks developed over that aspect of it. But early on in the pandemic, when I had never considered facemasks as more than a curiosity that some especially in China wore, which I figured helped with air pollution in their big cities, I tried to wear one. I just couldn't breathe in the damned things and was amazed at how anybody did. I still am amazed at how they breathe in them! Is it like a strength training exercise like aerobic fitness at 12,000 feet, where the oxygen deprivation over extended periods mean you get a high when you take it off however many hours later? I seriously ponder if that's it for those still wearing them...

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Sep 9Liked by Amy Sukwan

Amy. I engage in a tune swap and often include your memes in my email.

Today I received the following and IMMEDIATELY thought of you! Apologies in advance if you are not an Iris Dement fan.


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That's a great song thank you. I'd never heard it before but good melody and on point....

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Yay! A new respiratory illness campaign! Just in time to commemorate 9-11.

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Sep 8Liked by Amy Sukwan

Definitely #4

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Einstein was a FRAUD, a PLAGARIST, and an ADULTERER. His entire career was based on stealing other people's research and claiming it was his!! He couldn't even do his own math!

SO WHY DO YOU QUOTE HIM? You are supposed to be a researcher of the TRUTH.



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I wasn't sure whether to read this as sarcasm or not, but sorry if I triggered you. You are free to subscribe, unsubscribe, read or not read anytime you like. I use a lot of quotes if I like them, including from people whose lives may have deep flaws. Indeed in the video above Chairman Mao is quoted several times. Do I think he is an example of human rights? Not at all but it grants insight into how to divide and conquer a population. I've quoted Fauci and Bill Gates too!

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Wow, take your rumpled up your B*TT panties, and get out of here. Hey she could have attributed to her cat Sparkles, for all that matters. It doesn’t ‘de-legitimize their meanings’ based upon who said them! Good riddance to y’all!

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