I have been hanging out on threads related to the Maui fires and devastation in Lahaina. I am 100% sure I am looking at an Op and it looks like a pretty big one. In my poll above I would go with all of the above as my vote. There were multiple vectors, multiple actors, multiple motivations and multiple movements. See when multiple forces converge every guy wants a piece of action. This one is worried about the coverup, this one wants to try out the latest new DoD weather modification, this one is paid to start fires, this one spirits some of the children to another tropical island for the elite billionaires.
First off though let’s talk about the death toll. It should rise into several hundred and some people on the ground are estimating up to 2000. This would easily be the deadliest fire in US history. They desperately need air filters in the area, as the air quality for the survivors is terrible. Be like Blake. Do not be like Oprah.
I thought Pete Lincoln did excellent investigative work in his article. I’m going to pick up from there and put my tinfoil hat on.
Only one school was closed in that area for high wind, which was incinerated by the fires. The rest were not scheduled to have classes that day. Supposedly only 600 students have been accounted for as safe. There were 3000 students at the schools. That is 2400 missing CHILDREN alone.
This shows the extent of fire damage in Lahaina, which has a population of a little over 13,000:
I find it amazing that government officials simultaneously claim incompetence and omnipotence, but that seems to be what I am looking at here. Somehow FEMA was able to survey all of these structures but isn’t able to come up with a missing persons list. I was under the impression that Hawaii was a US state. Wouldn’t a lot of these houses have had street addresses and mailboxes and postal workers delivering mail to them? Wouldn’t USPS have mail carriers on their route who have a good idea of who lives there? I’d bet that some of these people even had driver’s licenses and ID cards from the Hawaii DMV and of course those school registrations as mentioned for the children. I mean some of them might have fled the state or whatever, but normally when your home burns down, well, you don’t have anywhere out of state to go. Those staying with friends and family would definitely be applying for disaster assistance if they are alive and able to do so. Even if all identification was lost in the fire I’d assume that they would remember their name and address and other pertinent and easily verifiable details.
I think the elites might have gone a bridge too far with this one. I stayed at this exact hotel in 2009. Ugh.
Now there’s an interesting twitter thread regarding the missing children in which she speculates that some of them might have been taken for sex trafficking. This is surprisingly plausible. If there was advanced knowledge of the Op instead of having these children all burn to ashes why not just have some “Emergency personell” who evacuate them from Lahaina harbor in advance of it?
They’re not even trying any more with their fact check on the lasers reflecting the color blue. Also the Google search results on this term are changing quickly. I get the feeling this guy is a subversive, which is a good thing:
“The Twitter user claimed that the Direct Energy Weapons theory was used in an episode of The Simpsons, where a blue building remained untouched. However, it is important to note that the episode was not set in Hawaii.”
The Simpsons, as almost anyone who watched the show knows, is set in the fictional town of Springfield, an extremely common name, in Any State, USA. Is the writer trying to highlight that Hawaii is a US state here?
“According to The Economic Times, Project Blue Beam is a 1990s conspiracy theory that the United Nations and NASA are attempting to create a “new age religion” to control people. News outlets claim that the project aims to abolish traditional religions and replace them with just one, destroy national identities to establish world pride, and also abolish the family system to ensure individuals work for a one-world government.”
I had never heard any of that stuff before regarding Project Blue Beam. I heard it referenced by my grandfather and great uncle about being a War of the Worlds type of alien invasion meets Jesus Christ’s second coming psyop event. But thanks for playing. Hey maybe I too can get directly fact checked! What an honor that would be after all of these years!
“As the Direct Energy Weapons claim continues to spread across social media, it is important to note that there is no evidence to support the notion. Officials have also not confirmed that it was the reason behind the Maui wildfires.”
As we all know the foxes guarding the henhouse will confirm that they ate some chickens. Got it.
The natives it seems are getting restless:
This Op appears to be getting hot. Allegedly FEMA and the US Marine Corps were engaged in a firefight after USMC discovered FEMA officials mass burying bodies of people who were shot, not burned. Were they trying to take the children?
I remember perhaps in the late oughts there was a writer I followed online who asked if police and military in the US would follow orders to direct their guns at US citizens. He thought it would work for a while for the powers that be to do such things, but that when a critical mass was reached, those in power would lose at this game. He thought that a side effect of the forever wars that America was engaged in was creating too many armed, tactically trained veterans. Those who had endured these pointless wars of aggression had seen inside the corrupt gears of the system and would ultimately turn on the order givers.
We could well be seeing that. Somebody needs to be compiling missing persons lists in Lahaina. I wouldn’t be trusting the FBI or FEMA to the task. But who becomes the good guys and the bad guys in a military conflict of these type? I’d say those starting the fires and hiding the bodies need to be questioned…
The BIGGEST tell? The fucking MSM is not saying a fucking PEEP about the missing children. How can such an atrocity of the death (or if you are correct, trafficking, but let's just say the MMS is absolutely ignorant to that theory and just believe the children are perished) of hundreds of innocent children be so easily ignored? It's almost as if these people (MSM) had the button pushed in their inserted brain chip to not even be aware of these children. Think about it - they uniformly are not even mentioning the children, as if the children never existed, as if they are not aware of the existence of the children. I really do believe they are now Stepford Wives.
maui was chemtrailed a day before the fire
but will we ever get the full story, the crime scene was sealed off immediately just like 9/11