The BIGGEST tell? The fucking MSM is not saying a fucking PEEP about the missing children. How can such an atrocity of the death (or if you are correct, trafficking, but let's just say the MMS is absolutely ignorant to that theory and just believe the children are perished) of hundreds of innocent children be so easily ignored? It's almost as if these people (MSM) had the button pushed in their inserted brain chip to not even be aware of these children. Think about it - they uniformly are not even mentioning the children, as if the children never existed, as if they are not aware of the existence of the children. I really do believe they are now Stepford Wives.

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That elementary school I linked up top to google maps was the only one that specifically closed for the wind advisory. They'd have enrollment records and what have you. This one stinks to high heaven. I know the MSM lies and redirects but the lack of curiousity here is astonishing...

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LAHAINA schools reopen 3,000 children are missing

2025 cannot be physically located


[ note star-advertiser is not conspiracy rag, its the official local news, with really good comments ]

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What can they say?

More like 2,000 children incinerated. Mexico consulate says 2500 Mexicans un-documented familys living around Maui most working in Lahaina.

Lots of Central-American, and South-Amer too, and filipino; Most of these un-documented would not have entered the kids in the system.

Nobody knows really how many kids or gone,

What is a known-known, because it was $500/night to rent a room most single-family homes had 30 people on average living in the home, doing 2-3 jobs;


Sure pedophilia has lot to do with it, like all things it just isn't one thing; Lots of people wanted Lahaina burnt to the ground, they got their wish.

Also of course in the pandemonium nobody every knows how many kids were just 'whisked' away, say at the 9am 'school closure' did some buses pickup the kids? Take them where? Who would ever know, maybe the kids were already pre-selected?


We have ZOG GOV, 100% of all leaders on all Hawaiian Islands are ZOG, we have dozen's of Pedophile billionaires owning most of the islands.

There are dozens of different interests that wanted Lahaina burnt to the ground incinerated, with no evidence. Dozens of suspects in GOV, including Real-Estate, Water, Power, Pedophiles, China, Saudi ( the police-chief of maui from LV had deep saudi ties, and they're the main investor in future Maui infrastructure )

But SAUDI too is the largest importer of 4-12 year old children on earth for 'marriage', then prostitution, or organ-harvesting depending upon the children acceptance of being a sex-slave post +12 years of age. ( once a child starts 'puberty' they are no longer wanted as wives by the rich saudi husbands )


Putting on my 'saudi hat' I would assume that Lahaina would have had 100's if not a 1,000 healthy young children running around 'hawaiian style' way healthier than anything you find in todays USA or UK; Right now most children come from Ukraine & Ireland, so Saudi is always looking for 'source' of healthy young children.

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Demons. Or demon possessed or Nephillim

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maui was chemtrailed a day before the fire

but will we ever get the full story, the crime scene was sealed off immediately just like 9/11

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We probably won't get the full story but the footage that has emerged is very incriminating. A lot of people have phones that take video and drones that fly overhead. A lot more people are not trusting government to handle it either...or the Red Cross or National Guard. Where re the children?


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that's a great video, thanks.

If FEMA actually was shooting people - wouldn't surprise me - this could be a tipping point.

I've been saying for 3 years that this is all a test but if you're not careful the experiment could blow up in your face.

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just like paradise

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Interesting. I can entertain all sorts of scenarios regarding the Maui fire. And we will NEVER know the truth.

So sure. I think child trafficking could very well be in play.

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I've read that a child is worth about $500,000 each to these sickos. Often they are discarded and their organs harvested after they are done with them. Somebody planning this Op would have thought of this angle...

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Man, what sinister evil lurks in the minds of the human race.

When truth is withheld speculation runs amok. So the child trafficking angle definitely has legs.

And speaking of truth... I wouldn't believe ANYTHING going forward. I've been lied to and toyed with too many times.

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Anybody seen the Podesta brothers lately?

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Is there any way to track boats out of Lahaina harbor that day? Some of those islands are practically owned by one billionaire...

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They are over at Oprah’s mega mansion. The kids might be holed up in there as well. 😳

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Hmmmmmm......I hadn’t thought of them.

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Yeah that’s very true. Man this is dark...

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E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/07/2019



Classified By: Charge d´Affaires Dennis Hankins for reasons 1.4 (b and


(C) Summary: Reports of trafficking of Mauritanian child brides to Saudi Arabia are on the rise. The girls, usually between 5 and 12 years of age, are married off to wealthy Saudi men in exchange for hefty bride prices. Once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, they become sex slaves to their husbands. In 2008, the Association of Women Heads of Household -— a local NGO focused on women´s rights -- provided support to 15 victims of trafficking. This year, between January and March, they have already tended to 11 cases. In response to this problem, Aminetou Mint El Moctar, president of the association, has single-handedly launched a campaign against trafficking. She wants to raise awareness among parents about the realities of child marriages to Saudi men as well as force the government to acknowledge and address the problem. UNICEF recognizes the problem and intends to address it in its next national study on child trafficking but it has not taken any concrete action. End summary.

------------------------ THE CHILD BRIDE BUSINESS

------------------------ 2. (C) In a meeting April 7 with PolOff, Mint El Moctar denounced the traditional practice of child marriages as the main driver of trafficking. Traffickers approach poor and ignorant Mauritanian families about marrying their daughters to wealthy Saudi men. Hefty bride prices amounting to 5-6 million ouguiya (approximately $20,000) and promises of better opportunities for the girls lure the families into accepting, says Mint El Moctar. The intermediaries are usually associated with local travel agencies, which Mint El Moctar says are in reality trafficking networks. The girls are taken to Saudi Arabia by a family member or by a travel agency designated "tutor." The agency intermediary gets a commission from the husband for striking the marriage deal -- amounts vary according to the girl´s beauty and youth.

(C) Mint El Moctar stressed that once they arrive in Saudi Arabia, these child brides become sex slaves to their husbands. She explained that pre-pubescent girls are highly prized by Saudi men but, once they reach puberty or become pregnant, they are of no further interest to their husbands. According to Mint El Moctar, the girls are then repudiated and thrown into the streets. Without a support network, they have no choice but to become prostitutes. Comment: PolOff had already heard reports of the sex slavery practice from Cy Lalla Aisha of human rights organization FONADH. Aisha told PolOff she had met a Mauritanian girl who had spent three years in Saudi Arabia locked up in a room without seeing anybody but her husband and a female servant who tended to her needs. The trafficking and abuses has also been denounced by Radio France International in a January 4 report that includes testimonies of Mulheri, a 7 year old girl trafficked to Saudi Arabia, and Aminetou who, upon her divorce, had to leave her children behind in Saudi Arabia. End comment.

-------------------- TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN

-------------------- 4. (C) Mint El Moctar also denounced trafficking of adult women to Saudi Arabia for prostitution purposes. She said the travel agencies offer poor women to pay for their plane tickets and visa to look for work opportunities in Saudi Arabia. The women agree to reimburse the agency once they get to their destination. They are then forced to prostitute themselves to pay their debt. Mint Moctar said around thirty Mauritanian women have been convicted in Saudi Arabia for prostitution and are serving prison terms there. She stated these trafficking victims are punished for crimes they

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committed while being trafficked.

------------------------- SEE NO EVIL, HEAR NO EVIL

------------------------- 5. (C) The Mauritanian government does not recognize trafficking as a problem, says Mint El Moctar. Articles 332 and 335 of the Penal Code have provisions against trafficking which are not enforced. Mint El Moctar recently sent a letter to High State Council President General Abdel Aziz to denounce government inaction but received no response. As a result, she started her own public awareness campaign and is fighting for the creation of a law project to criminalize and combat trafficking. Comment: In February 2009, PolOff met with a government representative in the Ministry of Justice who stated trafficking of Mauritanian women did not exist and trafficking to Saudi Arabia was not possible because there was a government law that required women to travel with a male family member. End comment.

(C) Mint El Moctar stressed that the court system puts all the blame on the girls that are victims of trafficking. She mentioned that a girl who dares denounce her trafficker is accused of being a depraved and sinful woman.

(C) Mint El Moctar stated she has received death threats for pushing the issue. She has been accused of being a liar, a madwoman, and a traitor who damages Mauritania´s reputation.

(C) Mint El Moctar asked for the United States´ help to raise awareness of this problem and to bring the issue to the United Nations. She thanked the United States for denouncing human rights violations through the Human Rights report and said this publication had been useful in confronting the Mauritanian authorities with traditionally taboo issues.

-------------- OTHER CONCERNS

-------------- 9. (C) Mint El Moctar also expressed concern about a recent surge in child marriages in Mauritania. She explained that families are so worried about their daughters getting raped or having sex before marriage, that they marry them as soon as they can to preserve their honor. (Note: Rape is a generalized problem in Mauritania that receives no government attention. Zeinebou Mint Taleb Moussa, president of the Mauritanian Association for the Health of Mother and Child (AMSME), said that in 2008 the center she supervises -- the only one providing services to victims of rape in Mauritania -- received 304 victims. She stated most victims do not seek help. The week of April 1, a center volunteer was raped and threatened for her affiliation to the center. End note.) According to Mint El Moctar, early marriages expose young girls to domestic violence, domestic servitude, and endangers their health. She introduced PolOff to a pregnant 12 year old girl who had already been married for three years and was regularly beaten by her husband. Comment: Again, these reports were confirmed by Cy Lalla Aisha from FONADH who told PolOff one of her clients was a 12 year old who almost died in childbirth. End comment.

------------------------------------------- UNICEF and UN Population Fund POINT OF VIEW

------------------------------------------- 10. (C) Both UNICEF and the UN recognize the problem but stated they do not have the resources to take concrete actions. Mohamed Lemine Ahmed Seyfer, Protection Specialist at UNICEF Mauritania stated that the "trafficking of Mauritanian girls to Saudi Arabia is a recognized problem that has been signaled by many NGOs. He said that the Ministry of Women has recognized the problem and that UNICEF intends to approach this issue in its next national study on

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child trafficking. They also intend to work together with UNICEF Saudi Arabia. Seyfer requested United States funds to help accelerate actions against child trafficking in Mauritania. He said UNICEF is soliciting funds to send a joint UNICEF/Ministry of Women investigative mission to Saudi Arabia.

(C) Ahmed Salem Bouh, representative of the United Nations Population Fund, said that the United Nations has been working in close collaboration with the government in the fight against child marriage and women´s rights in general. Nevertheless, even though they worked with the government to pass law´s against child marriage they don´t have specific programs to curtail the trafficking of Mauritanian girls to Saudi Arabia.

(C) Comment: Trafficking, the corollary of poverty and traditional practices harmful to women, is one of many taboos in Mauritanian society. NGOs like Mint El Moctar´s wage a lone battle without resources or recognition. The coup d´etat is likely to make their quest even more difficult. As the United States seeks to support democratic forces in Mauritania, it should put an emphasis on increasing these NGO´s capacity to denounce and fight human rights abuses as well as provide support to victims. With their "in your face approach" towards the government, their capacity to undertake concrete actions and mobilize the population at the grassroots level, and their desire to fight against all odds for a more democratic society -- even at the expense of their reputation and personal safety -- human rights activists like Mint El Moctar are among our best partners in democracy. End comment.

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Amy is telling the TRUTH here's a US GOV cable ( courtesy of Assange ) talking about how Saudi processes as much as 10,000 children per year 4-12 years old, mostly female as wives.


Make a copy of this before this link is shutdown

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I honestly don't know what to think about all this, now. The three goons pictured above are definitely guilty as hell. But surely, if there were hundreds or even a dozen missing children, we'd have seen at least one citizen journalist's interview with an hysterical parent. But there's been nothing of that. Even Peggy Hall has disavowed the notion of so many kids being "left home alone" in Lahaina. I'm just of the mind that if all these kids were missing, we'd be hearing some first hand accounts of such horror. This said, I'm well aware of the rampant suppression of information coming out.

Here in BC, videos of Kelowna's fire chief immediately set off red alarm bells in my head. He spoke in robotic, unworried, unsympathetic tones and seemed to keep looking at a script.

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The families were incinerated together angle doesn't hold up to close scrutiny. I'm sure some were, unfortunately. But let us say that I'm working and my 16 yea old is at home or something. I'd be screaming and hysterical and going completely nuts. With that many children and parents and 12000 destroyed structures there would be at least a few examples of this. Instead it is like all or nothing. One Maui resident said she was working and all of her and her sister's 9 chidren were with grandma in the family home. Grandma and the nine children all apparently wiped out. This story is coming up a lot...

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Keep in mind that Lahaina was a town of the working poor. Cell service in West Maui post fire is still very spotty (intentionally so). FEMA, law enforcement and the military have maintained a solid media and communication blackout. Do you believe that IG, FB and X will readily post the inflammatory pleas of displaced Lahainans with missing children? You cannot imagine the cruelty still being perpetrated against Lahainans by US Government Agencies.

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I agree. I am not on the ground there so I am left to what I can piece together. That said I hang out on these threads and look for recent updates I follow anyone who seems to be on the ground. Tic Tok seems to be better lately for threads for whatever reason. Regarding the cruelty my heart is with them and my prayers. Maui Strong indeed God Bless and God Speed

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Amy, you have probably seen this post, but it’s what we are living with here in Maui.


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Amy, do you have a link to that? I've actively searched for such accounts and found none.

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I found that on the twitter thread Maui fires under latest. Some of these links (including to the Maui native who speculated about the sex trafficking angle) literally have disappeared before my eyes. I'll see if I can find it...

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Thanks :^)

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I just watched this video with a related question from a Maui real estate agent. Usually when I find someone who appears to be genuinely on the ground I link to them immediately but this one I didn't. I'm still looking for it..


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It was on OP, and like all OPs it had multiple goals. Child trafficking was certainly one among them.

Excellent deduction.

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They always want to kill as many birds with one stone as they can, as any evil planner would. That's where people get stuck in cul de sacs. One person over here says they shut off the water another says but I had water and they start arguing about it. It's all of the above...

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Demonic beings, posing as people, bring chaos and confusion.

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Well done, a big part of these ops is confusion, expecting us to throw up our hands and walk away feeling unable to penetrate the mire. All of the above and likely more. As the book that appeared on Amazon by the author Miles Stones) indicates, they in fact saw Lahaina as a milestone in advancing their plans. Fuck them.

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9/11 victims were also told to shelter in place, as well as victims of school massacres. Maybe shelter in place isn't always a good idea.

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Sometimes it is sometimes it isn't. I'd say the sad note here is you are on your own...

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I'd say that is the take away. Follow your own instinct and gut. Do not EVER rely on Govt. Rely on friends, family and those who come to help, NOT the GOV and NOT the 'non Govt profits'....

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Obeying Authority in these life and death scenarios, as we’re learning over the past three years especially, must be optional.

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When a food storage burns down i always thought that maybe the food was 1st stolen and then the building burned down to cover up the theft of the food. For whom do they need all those foods? For whom or what do they need all those kids? For sex trafficking only? Is there not an easier safer way to steal children? Did they need these particular children because of genetics? After they sampled the dna of all of us? I think there is sex trafficking but sex trafficking also is a cover story for even more strange operations. Lets keep peeling the onion.

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The native Hawaiin women who first mentioned sex trafficking on a MauiFires twitter thread, whose video about her thoughts regarding this literally disppeared in front of my eyes (like on refresh it was no longer there) really went into some things regarding native American blood. They are Pacific islanders apparently mostly type O blood type (The universal donor). There's genocide that sleeps out there for sure...

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The "disappearing" of that thread is HIGHLY suspect.

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Wow! So many layers to peel back.

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Aug 24, 2023
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I couldn’t agree more. You nailed it 🎯

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Aug 24, 2023
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We start on our knees, in repentance.

In repentance for our own sins, the sins of our forefathers and the sins of our nation

Read this and see if it sounds like America has fallen into the same pattern as Israel. Our nation was founded based on the Instructions given by the the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They will into the trap of disobedience as we have

Leviticus ch 26

“‘Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone for yourselves, and do not place a carved stone in your land to bow down before it. I am the Lord your God.

2 “‘Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary. I am the Lord.

3 “‘If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, 4 I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit. 5 Your threshing will continue until grape harvest and the grape harvest will continue until planting, and you will eat all the food you want and live in safety in your land.

6 “‘I will grant peace in the land, and you will lie down and no one will make you afraid. I will remove wild beasts from the land, and the sword will not pass through your country. 7 You will pursue your enemies, and they will fall by the sword before you. 8 Five of you will chase a hundred, and a hundred of you will chase ten thousand, and your enemies will fall by the sword before you.

9 “‘I will look on you with favor and make you fruitful and increase your numbers, and I will keep my covenant with you. 10 You will still be eating last year’s harvest when you will have to move it out to make room for the new. 11 I will put my dwelling place[a] among you, and I will not abhor you. 12 I will walk among you and be your God, and you will be my people. 13 I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high.

Punishment for Disobedience

14 “‘But if you will not listen to me and carry out all these commands, 15 and if you reject my decrees and abhor my laws and fail to carry out all my commands and so violate my covenant, 16 then I will do this to you: I will bring on you sudden terror, wasting diseases and fever that will destroy your sight and sap your strength. You will plant seed in vain, because your enemies will eat it. 17 I will set my face against you so that you will be defeated by your enemies; those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee even when no one is pursuing you.

18 “‘If after all this you will not listen to me, I will punish you for your sins seven times over. 19 I will break down your stubborn pride and make the sky above you like iron and the ground beneath you like bronze. 20 Your strength will be spent in vain, because your soil will not yield its crops, nor will the trees of your land yield their fruit.

21 “‘If you remain hostile toward me and refuse to listen to me, I will multiply your afflictions seven times over, as your sins deserve. 22 I will send wild animals against you, and they will rob you of your children, destroy your cattle and make you so few in number that your roads will be deserted.

23 “‘If in spite of these things you do not accept my correction but continue to be hostile toward me, 24 I myself will be hostile toward you and will afflict you for your sins seven times over. 25 And I will bring the sword on you to avenge the breaking of the covenant. When you withdraw into your cities, I will send a plague among you, and you will be given into enemy hands. 26 When I cut off your supply of bread, ten women will be able to bake your bread in one oven, and they will dole out the bread by weight. You will eat, but you will not be satisfied.

27 “‘If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, 28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. 29 You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters. 30 I will destroy your high places, cut down your incense altars and pile your dead bodies[b] on the lifeless forms of your idols, and I will abhor you. 31 I will turn your cities into ruins and lay waste your sanctuaries, and I will take no delight in the pleasing aroma of your offerings. 32 I myself will lay waste the land, so that your enemies who live there will be appalled. 33 I will scatter you among the nations and will draw out my sword and pursue you. Your land will be laid waste, and your cities will lie in ruins. 34 Then the land will enjoy its sabbath years all the time that it lies desolate and you are in the country of your enemies; then the land will rest and enjoy its sabbaths. 35 All the time that it lies desolate, the land will have the rest it did not have during the sabbaths you lived in it.

36 “‘As for those of you who are left, I will make their hearts so fearful in the lands of their enemies that the sound of a windblown leaf will put them to flight. They will run as though fleeing from the sword, and they will fall, even though no one is pursuing them. 37 They will stumble over one another as though fleeing from the sword, even though no one is pursuing them. So you will not be able to stand before your enemies. 38 You will perish among the nations; the land of your enemies will devour you. 39 Those of you who are left will waste away in the lands of their enemies because of their sins; also because of their ancestors’ sins they will waste away.

40 “‘But if they will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors—their unfaithfulness and their hostility toward me, 41 which made me hostile toward them so that I sent them into the land of their enemies—then when their uncircumcised hearts are humbled and they pay for their sin, 42 I will remember my covenant with Jacob and my covenant with Isaac and my covenant with Abraham, and I will remember the land. 43 For the land will be deserted by them and will enjoy its sabbaths while it lies desolate without them. They will pay for their sins because they rejected my laws and abhorred my decrees. 44 Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or abhor them so as to destroy them completely, breaking my covenant with them. I am the Lord their God. 45 But for their sake I will remember the covenant with their ancestors whom I brought out of Egypt in the sight of the nations to be their God. I am the Lord.’”

46 These are the decrees, the laws and the regulations that the Lord established at Mount Sinai between himself and the Israelites through Moses.

2 Chrinicles 7:14

if my people who are called by my name ghumble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

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become INDEPENDENT COUNTRY OF HAWAII and do not give up your land to criminals, who now took even your children, YOUR FUTURE!!! 1 resource:


and this was posted by another reader here, in case you didn't see it yet:

"Over 2,000 Children Missing From Lahaina Public Schools Two Weeks After Maui Fire: Report"

Summary by The Gateway Pundit


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That Erik Hooks story originated from Real Raw News, Michael Baxter is the sole writer there, and he has no allegiance whatever to reality, writing whatever he wants about whatever. Even James Howard Kunstler got taken in by one of his fake stories a few years ago. I wonder if Baxter is like a psy-op all unto his own, sowing madness.


I've been wary about writing about Lahaina, because all the info coming out of there seems dubious, at every level. I've been watching it closely, waiting for some clarity, but the whole fucking thing is opaque. Whatever is going on there, it feels like something has shifted.

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That's good to know abut real raw news. Do I suspect counter psyops are used to discredit people? Absolutely. Something I did hear from multiple sources on the ground has me pondering something though: FEMA was withholding food, water and aid from people nearby the burn area unless they left their homes. What if some of these people refused to leave? They take advantage of chaos who is to say they didn't just burn to ash in the fire? To me though somebody is flying that weather warfare plane nd somebody is directing that laser. So who are they?

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If it is true that the roads were barricaded, and the water lines for fire suppression were empty, and the kids were home alone, that no one has been arrested or frankly, torn apart limb from limb, is a testament to how modernism has neutered us.

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Something is not sitting right with me about that elementary school that was reduced to ash. That would be serving ages 5-11 years old, roughly, and having two daughters I can say this: there is no way, under normal circumstances, where they would just send those kids home without alerting the parents. I am not going to let my 5 year old walk home and stay alone and even at 11 it would only be under extreme circumstances. Generally the parents would arrange for a caregiver if they were not there. There may well be grandma or aunty in the house but not in every circumstance. I have been piecing together this and the mainstream Hawaiin news accounts are only partially right. This whole "kids stayed hom alone while their parents worked" narrative might be okay for a 16 year old, but not a 5 year old...

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Here is the thing I don't get, if there are a 1000 dead (or stolen) kids, that is roughly 2000 parents, plus close family members - wouldn't they be going berserker on their government officials? I can only imagine if I were a parent of young kids there, and I knew all those kids were missing, I would be stirring up trouble post haste. Meanwhile the death toll is claimed to be a little over 100? This is why from this distance I am watching and waiting mostly without comment.

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the entire event was in preparation for possibly years, nothing even to compare with covid19 crimes, but look alone at the police chef OR the gov. Green for example.

For years I'm chasing those, who try to genetically modify the entire humanity, and learned to get more or less reliable sources.. I did a collection on Lahaina at this post giving the links to more reports, just in case you didn't read or listened to those:


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Up to 2400 kids missing? Not a word from our reliable curious media? Check Ophra’s basement.

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The kids missing angle should be getting some traction. It's a coverup...

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Let’s pray that this gets to be explored

Transparent! First I’d heard of the dead shot bodies. And the blockade of both

Roads out is Impossible to explain…unless you pre planned the largest kill

You could. Kids missing, where are the

Grieving parents?

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Children Missing !!

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Aug 24, 2023
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I do believe the spirit of the meaning

More than the literal.

I call my children kids The Good Lord knows my sincerity.

We are combatting forces that are soo

Evil that it’s impossible to fathom

Please keep your eyes on the enemy

Which we ain’t.

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Yes. He sees our heart. That’s the trouble. He REALLY DOES see our hearts. I’m glad to be reminded to watch my tongue.

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Aug 24, 2023
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Wow. I never had thought of it that way.

Thank you!!

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We're told that the kids "We're told to exit schools at 9am", did they walk home? Were they bussed mini-van?

We are already told that most single-family homes had +30 people living, easy to assume that most might have been 1/2 kids, of course the teen's would have had to be killed as well as adults.

Did the 'finders' grab them walking home, were special vehicles just showed up? Were they picked up at their residence? With the fires starting at 7:30am and insanity would go un-noticed easy for teams to go into homes with children, shoot any adults take the kids to awaiting blacked-out vans, an just haul them to the airport; Probably another good idea why 95% of all human body's were burned at 4500F or hotter leaving nothing, hell they might have even left a few LB's of thermite with every corpse they disposed so that when the fires came that house would have burned super hot, covering up ashes and even the 'lead' would evaporate in that heat;


It does defy logic that they would have just killed all the kids, because of the sheer value, like gets too

Prime white-skin baby, or white skin-asia, $500k no problem

Normal white $100k

Prime asia beauty's $100k

Hispanic $50k

Mauritania blacks $10k

Those are just purchase prices, dealers would get 1/2 or more

A 1,000 kids would be up to a billion USD, Saudis pay in GOLD which would even attract US-GOV or BIDEN

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Where did you hear about the kids were told to exit schools from? I've been wondering about things like that a lot. See if a school cancels for a weather event usually the child (and this was an elementary school) and parents would know that in advance say that morning before taking them to school. That is so that somebody can be home or make other caretaking plans for their children, as kids aged 5 to 11 or so would not normally be home alone. It would be incredibly screwy for me to drop my child at school and THEN for them to cancel afterwards. Also what about hotel guests? Were the hotels evacuated prior? A canvasser who works with the homeless community in West Lahaina says they still have 31 unaccounted for in that community...

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This one only half answers it and Pete Lincoln's substack does a much better job of explaining the exact situation with the schools. I'm pegging the elementary school. This "kids were home while parents worked" story is totaal BS. For 5-11 year olds? Really? Any time one of my daughters was sick or needed to be sent home early I was alerted immediately...

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"Pedo Pete" every fucking time;

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2024, over 2,000 students are still missing from schools


This is NEW news, local news

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Someone needs to file an amicus brief or whatever it is called. Compel the disclosure of names for the very narrow purpose of confirming the (rough) physical location of these children.


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Thnak you for all of these links. I'm reaading through them and especially the comments...

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here there saying that tuesday AM the general call for school closures is/was 'wind related', but IMHO the real winds didn't start until the fires were raging,

Like I said the comments is best, I would read all the posts on this subject and read comments by parents, then try to make a connection with a parent and get some real storys

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Most links have been purged but the 'humane society' still has relevant info, say's the 630am aug 8 wildfire led to call for school closure for the school near first brush fire, but the call for all schools went out around 9am

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Kids were told to got home at 9AM and told to "Shelter in Place" at home, which of course led to their death, or maybe they never made it home.


Amy please don't try to rationalize this stuff, Lahainia is a place where the majority had 2-3 jobs worked 24/7, $5000/month to rent a dive house, we're not talking about soccer moms, and such. Also according to most people the cell phone service was out of the time,


There should be tons of stuff out there on the notification that the schools got shutdown 9am and all children ordered to 'go home & die'


The homeless probably have a better support network than most 'working stiffs',


There are lots of local news services on Maui, 'star advertiser' comes to mind there are others, many news storys about 'schools' and the comments of course are the best.

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Hmmmmm children Gold, makes sense to steal the gold, cover your tracks with thermite, and extreme heat white ash. So

How do you transfer that many people

In a short time without being seen, or causing suspicion. I do not know the streets nor terrain. Simply know the enemy is motivated and since this looks to be all orchestrated …could they leave by the water? Where are the Children?

Some circles say the Patriots know everything, well IF that’s the case

Someone must know something,

Are we going to being digging like 911

For the next 22 years?

The fire ring. Blockade. No alarm.

Water off. Power left on. No school.

Boats burned. Cars metal burn, trees some ok? Up to 2000 kids missing?

Tainted water brought in?

Dew? Hmmmm

Please keep digging.

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and now the only verification of deaths of those children by exploring the DNA of the indigenous people.... The Gov Green, with the name so obvious to the Green New Deal (words are extremely important for the powers) was involved in the Samoa CHILDREN issue end of 2019. The piece I wrote abut it (the info is around end of that post) is at:


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logic dictates it would have been school buses, just replace the drivers, gas the buses, move kids into trucks and pile them up run them to the airports and fly them out, or even from airport fly them out to 'rescue ship'

We know the US-MIL was involved in the fire, they obviously dumped the accelerants, like WACO easy to tell MIL that it was a hostage rescue mission or the parents were METH-heads....

Picking the kids up from schools using emergency buses, just enough gas to make them not panic


I think had they gone to houses looking for kids, that would have attracted a lot of attention, My guess is a lot of kids picked up from school never made it home

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local media in hawaii is very curious

schools reopen 3,000 children are missing

2025 cannot be physically located


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That’s a lot of Children!!!! 2025 that’s a lot of buses IF that played out!! Thanks

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Captain Hook and the lost boys.

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Absolutely. I've been praying to God regarding something. I have to be open. Happy Birthday Jasmine

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Or rather the movie "Lost Boys" no?

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Really excellent compilation Amy….that Hooks thing blew me away. Hoping to God we still have an institution left that might do the right thing. Lots of strange links come up with a quick search.

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I can believe this. I certainly believe the DEW was used by some un named top brasses. I certainly believe in the arsonists and in the downed lines, the cover up by officials. Now, bodies... shot by FEMA? Mass graves? THAT is EYEBROW raising. And the Marines arresting a FEMA director? Wait till that hits DC and the corrupt ones there countermand / release the perps that are accused? I'm waiting for that bit of drama next. Unless of course that's a sop to the civilians who are going to be asking the questions about where the bodies went if it was a regular fire there ought to be bodies. If it was a DEW maybe not.... The military up top is thoroughly corrupted as well. OTH if those were *children's* bodies mixed in to the grave? Oh yeah, that would be a bridge far to far for most people... Rich Men North of Richmond, I Just Want to Go Home territory, the spark is set flames are rising... according to plan?

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Can you imagine what it must have been like for Oprah and her Hollywood guests all those children, but most of their Latino/Asian parents not inclined to rent the kids out "Hollywood Style"

What else could she have done?

Burn the town down and replace it with a Disney Hollywood franchise and have 1,000's of poor familys that already practice incest, such people are easy to find.


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wait, there is no STARlink, with all of them freely floating so far above the earth??? The launch of countless Musk's satellites in the past costed a friend almost his VISION, apparently white light emanated from the passing by 'satellites'....

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